(12) Twist and Shout

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"Come on! Twist and shout, Mack!" Josh grabbed Makennah's hands the second she entered the kitchen which was packed full of people and encouraged her to dance to the dinner party music.

The old school dance music swam in the air around them while Carolynn sashayed around the kitchen island, gathering utensils and arranging the kitchen to her liking.

It was six o'clock sharp on a Saturday night and it was Carolynn's family dinner night where all the kids could invite their friends over for a fabulous homemade meal. All afternoon, Carolynn busied herself in the kitchen while she sang at the top of her longs to old-school Jazz, hip hop, soft rock, and anything of the sort music.

"No. I definitely don't twist. Or shout." Final answer. Makennah didn't dance.

Josh poked Makennah in her ticklish sides. She squirmed away, fighting off the giggles. "No stop it!"

"Please!" Josh insisted.

"I don't dance either. You can still stay in the family even thought you don't." Serious little Jonah skidded into the kitchen in his slippers and circled the island to pour himself a glass of water.

"Mack, twist your way over here and make yourself a plate." Carolynn handed Makennah a plate and encouraged her to move down the line. "Everyone else, dinner is ready! Come get it!"

Heavy feet tromped down the stairs and Will emerged from his study, carrying a tea cup and pushing his glasses up onto his nose. Makennah saw where Jonah got it now.

"Honey, can I turn down the music a little bit?" Will gently laid his hand on his wife's back and kissed her on the forehead.

"Oh if you insist." Carolynn exchanged her kiss on the forehead for a kiss on the lips. Will smiled down at his wife while he turned down the volume on the stereo.

"Hi, Mrs. Sinclair."

Makennah froze when she heard the voice behind her. She was hoping for a very relaxed evening with the Sinclair's enjoying an immensely filling meal that smelled so delicious. Instead, she'd have to be on her A-game.

Because she turned around and smiled as falsely as possible at Cassandra who stood closely to Matt with her hand laying on his elbow.

"Hi, Cassandra. Grab yourself a plate!"

"Mom, can I go to Cole's tonight?" Nick asked, when he entered the kitchen.

"After dinner."

"Thanks." Without direction, Nick retrieved a plate and stood in line for the four course meal ahead of them.

Makennah focused solely on Cassandra's facial expressions, body language, and eye movements. From what Theo and Makennah knew, Matt hadn't broached the topic of cheating with Cassandra. If he did in the recent future, Makennah needed to know if she stood on thin ice with Cassandra who could possibly want to claw her eyes out now.

"Mack, not to pressure you, but I'm starving." Nick smiled sheepishly behind her and she realized she was holding up the line.

"Oh, sorry." Shaking her head to clear away the cobwebs, Makennah scooped a heaping helping of vegetable heavy salad before moving on to the lasagna and garlic toast.

"You're in for a great, Mack. Mom made this with her famous pasta sauce," Matt spoke up behind her.

"It cooks all day," Jonah filled in.

"It's my great great grandmother's recipe," Carolynn explained. "I don't want to brag....but it is delicious." Carolynn winked at her.

"This all looks fabulous, Mrs. Sinclair. Thanks so much cooking!" Cassandra expressed.

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