(52) One in a Million

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Typically after a closing shift, Makennah could shower and fall asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

However, the haunting information she carried with her kept her awake until two in the morning. Her mind wandered in endless circles. Although she was tired, she just couldn't fall asleep. That was the worst feeling at all.

Makennah blamed her insomnia on the insane amount of unanswered questions and burdening secrets.

Finally, when she got sick enough of thinking in circles, she tossed back the covers, dressed in some presentable jammies, and tip toed down the stairs. Maybe she could get some help with the inquiries that were pressing on her mind.

Guilt stopped her in her tracks on the verandah at the bottom of the attic stairs. What right did she have to tell anyone's secret? Just because she was feeling overwhelmed didn't mean she had to blab. But it felt like too much. That same feeling that grew in her chest once more felt like it might seize her lungs and force them to collapse. She had to shake the anxiety that controlled her.

And she had to do it without smoking a cigarette. Cause that's what she truly craved deep in her bones.

She knocked on Matt's door. And waited.

He answered quickly, dressed in sweatpants and a Wolverines sweatshirt. "Hey, it's two in the morning," he said quietly.

She nodded. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." Matt swung the door wide open and stepped out of her way. She welcomed herself inside and plopped down on the couch where Matt was previously playing video games. Now, the game was paused. "Everything okay?"

She perched on the edge of couch and wrung her hands together over and over again nervously. "Yeah, I just...I have to tell you something."

Matt sat down beside her. There was a beer on the coffee table that he picked up. She wondered where she got it from. "Is it about Cassandra?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No." That was something else entirely that they needed to discuss. "It's about...your grandpa."

A shadow washed over his face. His once peaceful features frowned and turned...angry, almost. She was unsure of what emotion he was expressing but she could sense that he was trying to hide it as best he could. "What about him?"

Makennah breathed deeply. "Listen...I don't wanna do this. I don't wanna tell you because I'm not supposed to. Your grandpa just died and...and I'm so sorry. But people keep...I keep just loading all these secrets on myself. I'm not trying to be selfish. I really tried to be considerate and keep it to myself but I'm not even sure what to do so..."

"Makennah, you can tell me. Whatever it is," Matt assured her, sipping from the bottle.

"Just...don't get mad at me okay?" She lifted her head and made eye contact in the dark room, illuminated solely by the tv. The glow cast shadows over his features. "I don't like when you're mad at me," she admitted quietly.

Somehow, Matt managed a small smile. "I won't be mad, Mack."

"Okay last thing..." Again, Makennah sucked air deep into the lowest portions of her lungs, inflating her chest, sending oxygen surging through her body. That natural reaction did nothing to calm her nerves or steady her trembling hands. "Whatever I have to say and whatever happens, please just remember what you know about your grandpa. Remember how you love him. I don't have family.  I've never had family. I don't have anything like what you have. So you just...you just have to keep loving your grandpa and everyone else no matter what you hear."

Matt's brow puckered in confusion. His forehead wrinkled with unspoken questions. "Alright."

So she dove in. "Tonight, your grandma - Elizabeth Rothair - visited me at work. It was weird...she asked me about myself. Weird things. And then she asked me a favor." Makennah was still wrapping her mind around it. She just didn't understand. "She said at the funeral and calling hours that people might say bad things about your grandma. She asked me to watch out for you guys and specifically Carolynn so that you all don't overhear anything bad about him...since you guys love him and think good things about him. She made it sound like it was a pretty big deal, that people would try to slander his name and all this stuff."

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