(34) Rated R

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T- good morning sunshine

M- weird. I was just about to text you. I had a dream about you last night....

Makennah bit her lip and tucked her phone back under the sheets. She didn't want to see what he had to say next and she was even more nervous to respond.

T- oh did you? What kind of dream?

M- rated R

T- you wanna tell me what it was about?

Even though she was alone, she felt her cheeks heat up to an unexplainable level. She started this. Now she had to finish it like Grace said. Take charge. Wow him. Make him think about you. Make him crazy for you. Show him you can be sexy.

M- no. You have three guesses

T- this just isn't fair, Kennah.

T- give me a hint?

M- okay...hmm...

M- how about multiple choice? I'll give you three choices for how the dream started and if you guess right, then I'll tell you what else happened.

T- okay agreed. Hit me. I'm ready

She paused. First she had to come up with one story now she was up to three. She could do this. She wasn't a little child.

The fact of the matter was she was scared to death of his reaction and then seeing him later. Thinking about it made her cheeks flush with heat all over again.

M- okay number one, we're in your car and things get a little heated. Number two, you sneak into the basement while I'm watching a movie and...shall we say...you distract me? Number three, it's after work and I'm closing up and you pull me into a closet.

T- if I guess wrong are you going to tell me anyways?

M- no, so choose wisely ;)

T- you're torturing me.

Makennah bit her lip and sighed. Her entire body felt warm all over. Her stomach muscles clenched in anticipation of his response. The little dots popped up at the bottom of the screen as he wrote his response.

T- alright let's go with option three because that seems a little dangerous plus we already got caught in a closet once

M- awww that was a good shot but just not good enough. Sorry baby see you at school!

T- Makennah! Not fair! Come back!

While she was brushing her hair and applying a little bit of make up (she had to look good to further entice him after she already set him up), her phone dinged with another message.

T- oh I am so getting you back for this. Revenge is sweet

She couldn't help responding to that.

M- not as sweet as me

Because of this predicament she put herself in, Makennah couldn't eat breakfast. Barely said hello to Carolynn. Riddled with her rings the entire way to school. Chewed her lip so ferociously that she thought it might bleed. She was experiencing major regret. She couldn't face Theo. No way.

Her only saving grace was her outfit. She felt confident, strong and feminine. Sexy enough but not too much for her age or the fact she was going to school. Makennah knew she could confidently walk into that school....

...and sprint away from Theo if he spotted her from afar.

Once they reached the school, Makennah swerved the long way to her locker by dodging through the freshman and sophomore halls. The second she reached her locker, she butted into Grace's space to force her attention.

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