(26) Rumor Has It

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"Please tell me you were not doing unmentionable things with that boy in a dark closet during school hours."

Makennah could have died of embarrassment. Literally fallen off a bridge. It would be less painful than this.

"I swear on my life."

Will sighed very heavily on the other end of the phone. Makennah stood in the principal's office by herself, explaining to Will what had happened. The principal insisted that she call home and tell them what happened. Thankfully, Carolynn didn't answer so the school had to call Will. She thought that might be her only saving grace. He was probably the only one who wanted to discuss this even less than she did.

"Would you mind explaining to me what exactly you were doing then in a closet with a boy with the lights off?"

Makennah didn't see any way out of this other than the truth. "Can I tell you later please? It's a long story and I'd rather explain face to face."

Will was silent for so long that she feared he wouldn't agree to those terms. "The second you get home we are having a talk, young lady. And you will explain everything."

Never before did Makennah have a father figure. Never. Not once. Her own dad was a mystery, his identity never to be discovered. Other foster dads maintained their distance; likewise, Makennah did the same. So hearing his stern voice just about knocked the sense of God into her. She never wanted to be yelled at by Will again. And that wasn't even really yelling.

"I promise," she answered with a steady voice although she felt everything but.

"One last thing....he wasn't...hurting you, right?" Will almost sounded afraid.

Makennah couldn't even fathom that thought. "Oh my gosh no! It's nothing like that! I swear!"

Relieved, Will sighed. "Okay good. I'll see you when you get home. No more skipping class."

"Yes, sir," she answered respectfully before Makennah hung up the phone. Noticing that she was done, the principal welcomed himself back into his office.

"Back to class. I'd rather not see you in my office again."

She nodded, trying hard not to stare too long at his big nose. "No offense but same."


Tightening her pony tail, Makennah skipped over to the sidelines of the soccer field and downed the last of her water like a parched lion in the middle of a hot desert day. Sweat dribbled down between her cleavage and soaked the band of her sports bra. It also dampened the ends of her hair and skin. Her shirt clung to her like a second skin.

With her back to the sun, she noticed all of the grass stains on her white shorts. Unexpectedly, she got tripped up and took a tumble - walked away with a bruised knee.

"Hey Mack!" Coach Hanes waved Makennah over.

"Sup, Coach?" They were supposed to be running drills once everyone left so she wondered what this was about.

"My kid got sick on the bus on the way home. I gotta get going. Sorry to cancel but don't worry...I've seen a lot of improvement in you." Coach Hanes lightly punched her shoulder.

"Hey no problem I understand." She weakly saluted him and started peeling off her shoes once she sat on the ground. The boys would probably be happy that they didn't have to wait on her to finish up.

For several minutes, Makennah enjoyed being alone with the field while the sun warmed her skin after everyone else cleared out. Her body relaxed and unwound after a hectic practice.

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