(37) A Key

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M- did you put a key in my locker?

T- what? A key?

M- well I didn't stutter

T- okay sassy pants. No I did not put a key in your locker

M- well no one else has access to my locker or knows my combination

T- I'm pretty sure Grace knows it

M- how would you know that? Lol

T- I'm taking an educated guess. She's your best friend. What kind of key?

M- idk like an old key

T- just a key?

M- well there was a note too. It said to take the key to the game tonight

T- well are you going to?

M- I don't know! It's kind of creepy! What if some creep put the key in my locker and they want something weir from me

T- okay the odds of that are very slim

M- you can never be too prepared

T- okay, so be too prepared and take the key to the game

M- My final guess is that you put the key there. Did you?

T- no I didn't lol

M- you're lying to me

T- you literally have no proof of that lol

M- you were just in my locker the other day! Literally no one else has my combo

T- do you know how stupid easy it is to get that information from the office? So easy

T- anyone could pretend to be you and say they forgot the combo and the office would give it to them

M- well then it has to be a female

T- idk all I'm saying is you should take the key

M- I'll think about it

T- What is there to think about? Lol

M- idk, I don't want something weird to happen

T- you're over thinking this lol just do it

M- fine. But you're still under investigation. You're the main suspect

T- why would I give you a key?

M- idk. I have to consult with my investigative partner. I'll get back to you. Don't leave the county

T- Yes, Detective. Whatever you say, Detective. Are you going to have to handcuff me? 😉

M- Go to class, Theodore the Third


"Did you bring the key?" Grace practically screamed in her ear over the sound of the Braxton High Academy Marching Band who played a fight song in preparation for the game. In just a few minutes, the Wolverines would enter the home field and warm up for the game.

Makennah withdrew the old fashioned key from her back pocket to show Grace. "Yeah, I'm still suspicious!" She yelled over the drums. "And you swear you didn't see anything?"

"No! Why would I lie!" Grace shrugged and looked away, avoiding eye contact.

Makennah narrowed her eyes at Grace. She was acting suspicious.

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