(32) Just Another Day

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Theo didn't ask where to take her. He drove to the Sinclair's without question.

Twice he asked her a question and she didn't answer because she was dazed out, all up in her head.

Once more he had to pull over as Makennah gagged but nothing came up. He rubbed her back again while her stomach heaved.

The whole drive, Makennah replayed every single word that she said to her mother, the hate she spewed. Makennah didn't know her heart could hold so much hate for one person.

She thought about being embarrassed because of all that Theo saw that day but she couldn't muster up the energy for that.

And when they pulled into the driveway where a Brexley police cruiser idled at the curb, Makennah didn't have the energy to get nervous about that either.

Will and Carolynn perched on the stoop of the house with the front door closed firmly behind them, keeping the family and their privacy inside. As they arrived, Carolynn stepped towards her but Will halted her.

The policeman must have just arrived because he was strolling across the yard towards the front door. When he saw Makennah, he stopped dead in his tracks and lifted his hand in a wave.

"You should go. Before it gets messy," she told Theo.

"No," he stated firmly.

"Fine." So Be it.

"Makennah? What's going on?" Will asked with his arm wrapped protectively around his wife. Carolynn snuggled her sweater around her torso and leaned into her husband.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair. I'm Detective Ronny Wilson. I come from the Brexley Police Department." Ronny stuck his hand out and shook both of their hands politely.

"Hey, Ronny," Makennah greeted quietly. She wished she didn't know what this was about, but she did. She could add it up.

"You're lucky. That place blew up," Ronny informed her, hanging his thumbs through his belt loops.

"Literally?" Theo asked.

"No, but news of Bobby Long's arrest is all over the news. Not just in Brexley but the entire state. Not to mention the other guys you told us about."

"That wasn't me," Makennah defended. "I didn't call."

"I'm confused. What's going on?" Carolynn asked in a tone she usually used with the boys when she demanded answers.

Ronny cast a long glance at Makennah. They knew each other in passing but he usually was the one who picked Makennah up and removed her from her home to send her into foster care. He cared for her, helped her out now and then. When she had problems, she sometimes called Ronny. "Makennah and her friend here popped up in Brexley today. We received a call around ten o'clock that Bobby Long, a low level arms dealer and drug mule, was hosting a party in Brexley. There were several other highly wanted suspects in the house with warrants for their arrest. We caught them all, thanks to the anonymous call." Ronny nodded towards Makennah. "Makennah's mother was also arrested."

She wished she felt something about that news. But she didn't. She just felt numb.

"What?" Carolynn screeched. "Makennah, you were there?"

"There's no evidence of that."

"Just several eye witnesses," Ronny added. "Tried to figure out who called and everyone at the party was talking about Candy Thomas's little girl."

Makennah shrugged. "I didn't call."

"Of course you didn't. The call came from Bobby Long's cell phone. Couldn't have been you." Ronny eyed Makennah, backing her up, listing the facts as proof. "You could have been seriously hurt. I heard the rumors and decided to pay a little house visit. I'm glad you're okay, kid."

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