(22) Moi?

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Every warm feeling that Theo enticed from her with his flirtatious words, secret touches, hazy eyes and charming smiles dissipated into thin air and was replaced by cold hard dread.

Makennah wasn't the type to drink her feelings but one drink simply wasn't enough. As Meredith rubbed her arm, Makennah tilted her head back and chugged her drink.

"Wooo now its a party! Let's get you another drink!" Grace downed her own drink, grabbed Makennah's hand and looped her back around to the bar.

Hastily, Makennah poured another Crown and Sprite over ice. "Let's dance!" She told the girls.

"Yes let's go!" Penny led the way to the makeshift dance floor in the middle of the living room.

"I love this song!!!" Grace screamed. "You are, you are, you are, you are, you are, everything that I dreamed of."

Try as she might, Makennah couldn't stop positioning herself in a way that she could see Theo and his ex girlfriend. Even though they were in the middle of a party, the two bowed their heads together in an obviously heated argument. Or she should say that Theo was pissed and his ex lovingly placed a hand on his bicep and gently squeezed.

"I'm feeling sexual, so we should be sexual!" Meredith noticed Makennah's somber mood so she raised Makennah's hand and tipped her drink towards her lips. Meredith sang all the words but comforted Makennah with a touch on her back. Makennah gulped down half her drink which helped loosen up her limbs for dancing. "Stop thinking about it. They're long gone. She isn't even supposed to be here," Meredith said in her ear.

"History has a way of repeating itself," Makennah told Meredith while she sipped some more.

Meredith laughed and slipped her finger under the same bralette strap that Theo touched. Meredith tugged on the string. "I don't see him doing this to his ex."

A faint smile touched her lips as she rolled her eyes and blushed. She thought no one had seen that. "Whatever. I'm gonna go get some fresh air."

"Come back soon!" Meredith shouted after her.

"With drinks!" Penny yelled in concurrence.

The smile she shared with her friends waned as she circled the back of the house looking for the doors outside to the patio surrounding the pool. As she meandered outside, she eased into the dark corners of the patio to hide away for a moment and maybe grab a seat. She perched on the edge of the railing and crossed one leg over the other.

Someone bumped into her from behind and almost toppled her over.

"Yo, I'm so sorry." The Guy was high as a kite but he smiled as best as possible. "Man I lost my lighter."

His friend patted his pockets. "I think you took my lighter last night."

"Does Donny have one?"

Inconspicuously Makennah reached into her bra and sifted out a lighter - ultimate friend maker. "Here. May I?"

"Heyyy new girl has a lighter!" The two guys pulled up two chairs. The one in a shaggy flannel fished a freshly rolled joint out of his breast pocket. He held the joint out for Makennah fo light. She flicked the lighter and blazed a fire over the end. "You can hit first. You have the lighter after all!"

"Go ahead!" His friend insisted.

Makennah simply handed it off to the flannel guy. "No thanks. I'm good." Mixing weed and alcohol wasn't a good move for Makennah. She wasn't huge on smoking anyways.

"So what's your name, New Girl?" Flannel asked.

"Makennah," she said with a smile.

Flannel pointed to himself. "Well I'm Levi and this is David."

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