(46) For All the Girls Before

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Makennah adjusted to the comfort and ease of the Jeep quickly. The seat hugged her back. The steering wheel turned smoothly and effortlessly. The seat warmers soothed the ache in her bones and calmed her tense muscles. She had never driven such a large vehicle before but it bolstered her with a new sense of power.

On the road, Makennah calculated a route to a nearby city using her GPS. She wasn't 100% certain where she was going, but she knew she could find her way there.

She did what she did best.

She hunted.

Half way into her trip, Makennah stopped at a nearby gas station to purchase some Advil since her neck was killing her. It was so painful that she could barely think about anything else. Inside the gas station, she also put her phone on 'do not disturb' since she was receiving multiple calls from Carolynn, Will, Matt and even Theo. She wondered if they recruited him to help find her but she couldn't even think about that. The knowledge that Theo might know what happened to her tonight made her want to crawl out of her own skin and hide in a cave.

It was a little awkward because of the time that passed, but Makennah called an old friend who might know the location where she was trying to go. The old friend didn't, but she passed her along to someone else who might.

That person knew relatively what neighborhood but not the exact house.

So Makennah drove around until she found the neighborhood.

Finally, someone texted her the exact address.

Since thirty minutes passed and her throat still pulsed with her heartbeat, Makennah popped two more Advil, washed it down with a gulp of water, and parked the car down the street.

Considering the late hour - almost midnight - the fact that a few lights shone through drape covered windows surprised Makennah. In a prominently wealthy neighborhood, all of the paved driveways hosted Mercedes, Infinities, Jaguars, and Audis. Most of the houses edged on a million dollars in value. Although major renovations had been done to most of the houses, their old style shone through.

The colonial style home with a huge expansive porch and towering columns upheld a massive black roof that contrasted with the stark white siding. Low lights hidden in the shrubs and landscape shone picturesquely on the front of the host with a blazing red front door. On the side of the porch, there was a display of small hay bails, large and medium sized pumpkins, and a cute scarecrow in a flannel shirt. The two large white columns that flanked the front door also supported gatherings of pumpkins.

Stuffing her hands in her pockets, Makennah approached the front of the house by walking up the driveway. Without a thought of hesitation, she rang the doorbell.

Just when she thought no one was going to answer, the front door swung wide open.

Maisie Green with her deep brown eyes stood on the other side of the door in LuluLemon leggings and a Broncos crew neck sweatshirt with bare feet. "What do you want?" She asked.

Just as the words escaped her mouth, Makennah stepped into the light and her eyes registered the bruises and swelling that morphed her body. Maisie's eyes widened.

"I'd just like to chat," Makennah explained nicely.

"What happened to you?" Maisie asked as if she couldn't help herself.

"What do you think?" Makennah asked. Maisie knew. Makennah didn't have to explain.

Maisie glanced over her shoulder to ensure no one was listening. In the distance, Makennah spotted a tv flashing ads in a living room that was far enough out of ear shot.

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