(5) The Snapchat

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In the kitchen, Makennah overheard Matt and Nick talking about the Snapchat that Theo posted. Makennah had intentions of just getting a glass of water but she opted to eavesdrop instead.

"Saw what Theo posted," Nick said lowly.

"What?" Matt said, confused.

"On Snapchat. With Mack."

"Oh," Matt said. "Right. It was his idea. Theo said guys have already started asking about her. Probably good for people to see her face before she shows up to school."

"Won't be a complete nobody," Nick chimed in. "She looked pretty hot."

"Please don't say that about our sister."

Makennah pressed her hands to her heart at the declaration Matt made again about Makennah being their sister. No one had ever done that before for her. She wondered if he actually meant it or was just saying it to be nice.

"I wasn't trying to be weird. I'm not hitting on her," Nick defended.

"Hey," Jonah sneaked up behind her causing Makennah to jump six feet in the air straight out of her skin.

"Jonah! You scared me!" She laid her hand on her chest.

"That's because you're eavesdropping," Jonah whispered, understanding the severity of the situation.

Makennah bit back a smile. "Just a little."

Jonah crosses his arms over his chest. He wrinkled his nose to adjust his glasses. He was such a cute little nerd. "They're talking about the Snapchat thing."

"What Snapchat thing?" Makennah asked innocently, hoping she could pretend she didn't hear anything and she wasn't standing there that long.

"Well I have the inside scoop on the Snapchat." Mischievously, Jonah grinned like he had many a secret he could tell.

Makennah raised her eyebrows. "Oh?"

"It's not a big deal." He shrugged his shoulders, playing it off. He wanted Makennah to pester him for information and she knew it.

However she didn't play that game. "Yeah you're right." She shrugged too.

"Okay okay I'll tell you!" Jonah harrumphed and scooted closer, motioning for Makennah to bend over so that he could whisper in her ear.

She obliged and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"So josh asked about the photo. He said he didn't recognize you in those clothes. Then Matt told him how you guys went shopping and Theo posted the photo on the Snapchat so that everyone in the school would see you and start asking questions about you before you go to school," Jonah whispered.

Okay so not exactly new information. "I don't understand why it's such a big deal."

"Uh hellooooo, earth to Makennah. You're kind of hot." Makennah was a little stunned that nerdy Jonah would say such a thing. It made her laugh a little. "All the guys are asking Theo if you guys are together or how you know him."

"Oh," Makennah pursed her lips in a wide O shape. An image of Theo and Makennah locked together like a couple flashed into her mind. She pictured him smiling down at her as he ran his finger down her cheek and jaw. She was wearing that cute outfit and he was....

No. She needed to stop.

"Yeah. Matt also said that Theo isn't answering anyone about who you are or if you're together. It's all up in the air," Jonah whispered.

"Why would he do that?" Makennah asked, weirded out. First of all it wasn't really Theo's business to be talking about her or answering questions about her. But at the same time, why wasn't he dispelling the rumors about them?

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