Ciel returned to his room to check on the sleeping child on his bed. He gently opened the heavy wooden door to avoid waking him if he was still asleep, peeking his head inside to give a quick look. Sebastian was awake, laying on his stomach on the large bed. He turned to look at Ciel and smiled to one side, reaching out his small hand again. Drat. Making his way inside to lift him up again, he carried him to his study and set him on the floor, providing a few mundane toys to keep him entertained while he attempted to work and keep an eye on him at the same time.
All was well for half an hour. Sebastian played with his toys only somewhat noisily, and Ciel got on with his daily paperwork. Eventually, though, Sebastian began getting bored of his lackluster toy selection and began to crawl across the floor looking for something else that seemed interesting. Ciel failed to notice, as he was absorbed in his work, but Sebastian had crawled his way to one of the bookcases. Grabbing the edge of a shelf, he clumsily drew himself up to stand, reaching his other hand to the next edge to see what he could find. Ciel noticed the movement out of the corner of his eye and almost held his breath as he tossed aside his pen, jumping out of his chair to sweep Sebastian away from the shelf before he could grab a bottle of ink and make a mess.
With a stressed sigh, Ciel again glared at the child now in his arms. "What is with you?" He muttered, putting him back in place with his toys and getting back to work.
Sebastian was unsatisfied. Looking around the room again, he turned and crawled towards a different bookcase. If the other one was off-limits, what about this one? He again pulled himself to stand with help from the shelf and tried to grab what he could to investigate. Ciel caught on right as Sebastian got his hands on a feather quill and pulled it down to see what it was. Again scooping up the baby and prying the feather away to put back on the shelf, Ciel wondered what he could do to dissuade this kid from doing what he wasn't supposed to.
Not long after, Ciel returned to doing his work with Sebastian in his lap. The baby giggled and cooed and seemed utterly fascinated by Ciel's writing, but all Ciel was worried about was that Sebastian couldn't go anywhere this time.
An hour later and Ciel was just about fed up with his work, and Sebastian was getting fussy again. He sighed, scooting his chair back and stretching. Picking up the baby, Sebastian was immediately curious about where they were going as Ciel moved down the hallway. He continued on down the stairs, taking a careful look around. Nothing seemed broken, and he hadn't heard so much as a mouse skittering for the last few hours. Either the servants were doing their job correctly, or they weren't doing it at all.
Ciel searched out Tanaka to ask him how the other servants were performing. Sebastian didn't quite know what they were talking about, but Tanaka smiled at him, so he giggled and grinned in response, which seemed to make him happy.
Satisfied that Tanaka was keeping the order, Ciel went out the back door and into the large garden. It was fairly warm, and all the flowers were in bloom. Besides, this gave them both an excuse to not do paperwork or sit totally still. Sitting under the shade of a tree, Ciel put Sebastian in his lap facing him.
"What is it about babies that makes everyone idiots?" He muttered annoyedly. "You can't do anything useful. You don't even know what I'm saying right now," He continued when Sebastian grinned at him.
Sebastian cooed in response, reaching for Ciel's jacket and grabbing on to it with one tiny fist. Ciel looked at him distastefully.
"You're going to ruin my attire," He muttered, removing the baby's fingers from his clothes and setting him in the grass. "Go play or something."
Sebastian looked at him for a moment questioningly, sitting with his legs crossed in the cool grass and giggling every time a butterfly or other insect would fly past. Ciel watched with mild interest at how easily the demon could be entertained.
Suddenly, Sebastian squealed in fear and crawled towards Ciel, holding on to his clothes again and beginning to cry. Ciel, although incredibly annoyed, let the baby crawl into his arms.
"For god's sake, what is it?" He muttered. Sebastian continued to cry loudly, inconsolable. Ciel found the problem rather easily; a spider that had been minding its own business near to where Sebastian had been sitting. Ciel sighed, scaring off the arachnid and attempting to comfort the baby in his arms.
"It's okay, it was only a spider. Calm down," He spoke in a softer tone, although it seemed to work for only a short time.
"Hey, hush now, it's gone," He continued, bouncing him slightly. Sebastian continued to whimper, red-faced and tearstained. Ciel sighed, using a cloth to dry the child's face. He faked a smile. "Cheer up."
Sebastian quieted down, smiling slightly and laughing. He grabbed on to Ciel again and got closer to him until he put his head on the navy-haired boy's chest and remained there, still as a statue and finally quiet.
Ciel looked up and enjoyed the peace, one hand on the demon's back as a calm breeze drifted through the garden.

Baby Butler Remastered!
FanfictionThis is a total remake of one of my most popular stories- Baby Butler! Comments are extremely appreciated! When Sebastian Michaelis, the sarcastic and charming demon butler of the Phantomhive household mysteriously turns into a child, how will Ciel...