As much as he hated to admit it, Ciel could not spend the entire day in the garden with Sebastian. Besides, there were important things to be dealt with; most importantly, how terribly unprepared the manor was for a child of Sebastian's age. As proven by the incident in his office, the manor would need a good deal of child-proofing. Carrying Sebastian back inside the manor, he put him back on his bed, hoping he'd fall asleep as he had this morning. At the very least, it deterred him from crawling around and getting into things.
Leaving Sebastian there for the moment, Ciel hunted down the other servants and gathered them in the main hall. "Listen up everyone, I'm going to require your assistance. I'm going into town to get a few things, Tanaka and Se-Alexander will accompany me. While we're gone, it's your job to make sure that anything Alexander could reach that would harm him is put out of the way." He commanded, catching himself before he could misname Sebastian.
"Of course, young master!" Finny, Mey-Rin, and Bard agreed quickly. The three goons quickly formed a little huddle to decide who would cover what section of the manor to speed things up. Ciel returned to his room to grab Sebastian, put on his coat and hat, and grabbed his cane while Tanaka brought a carriage.
While they were on the trip to town, Ciel kept the baby Sebastian in his lap to avoid him being tossed around too much from the bumps and cracks in the roads. Sebastian seemed to find it funny however and giggled the whole way there while looking through the small windows.
When Ciel stepped out of the carriage holding Sebastian in one hand and his cane in the other, he got some odd looks. He was a young nobleman, after all, and was holding a baby. He paid no mind to them, as Sebastian held onto him and smiled. Women who passed on the street tended to think it was adorable, whereas the men found it somewhat odd but respectable. Ciel could only imagine the rumors and struggled not to sigh at the thought.
He soon found what he was looking for, however. A Funtom store, newly opened. He was due to come and evaluate the place anyway, so he might as well get a few things to keep Sebastian busy while he did his work. Stepping inside, he approached the clerk at the counter. His own store was one of the only places where he wouldn't be mistaken for some random kid in nice clothes. As he performed his usual inspection, Sebastian looked around curiously at all the things in the store and began to squirm. Ciel rolled his eyes and adjusted his hold.
"Settle down, will you? I'll get you something before we go," He promised quietly, to the clerk's amusement. As promised, just before they left Ciel let Sebastian take a toy with him. What else but a baby blue toy cat.
"I'll never understand what it is with you and cats," Ciel shook his head, as he visited a few other stores to gather things he would need for as long as Sebastian was a child. He still wasn't sure what had caused this, or when it would end, but he hoped it was soon. How was he meant to function as the Queen's Guard Dog without Sebastian? The thought sent slight anxiety through him, but he tried to push it away. Things had been quiet in London for quite a while.
The entire trip back to the manor, Sebastian hugged and played with his stuffed cat. Ciel watched with vague wonder at how fondly he treated the toy as if it were an actual living being. He took great care when he held it and tried not to let it go. The carriage hit a bump in the road, minorly rocking the carriage and causing the toy to slip from the child's hands. Ciel merely bent to pick it up, but Sebastian seemed upset and nearly started crying.
"It's just a toy, here," Ciel remarked, trying to hand back the cat. Sebastian continued to seem upset, beginning to cry. Ciel tried to hush him and even smiled as that seemed to work last time, but Sebastian was having none of it now.
"Hey! Look, the toy is fine- er, the kitty isn't hurt," He tried. "See?" He mimed a walking motion with the cat toy. Sebastian didn't cry as much.
"It wasn't that bad, the kitty just fell down, that's all," Ciel continued, handing back the cat toy to the child, who squeezed it in his arms. He then held it up to Ciel's face expectantly. It took him a moment before it clicked.
"I am not going to kiss a toy better." He stated bluntly, moving it away. Sebastian made a noise of hurt, holding it up again. Ciel sighed. "Alright, alright, don't start crying again."
Ciel kissed the top of the doll's head. "Happy now?" He mumbled. Sebastian squealed and cooed, returning to playing with the cat as if nothing had happened to it in the first place. "I loathe you, you know that?" Ciel muttered as he had before.
When they stepped back inside the manor, Ciel noticed that it seemed noticeably cleaner than before. Making his way up to his office, he found all the ink and quills a shelf higher, out of reach. Satisfied with this, he put Sebastian down with the cat and his other toys as he headed back out. While they were in town, he'd picked up something to limit the places Sebastian could crawl off to. A playpen. Picking him up again and setting him inside it, Ciel put all his toys in the pen and sat in his seat once more. Sebastian, naturally curious, began crawling around to see if he could get out of the odd structure. When he found he couldn't, he settled on the floor and played with his toys quietly, putting Ciel's mind at ease for a while.

Baby Butler Remastered!
FanfictionThis is a total remake of one of my most popular stories- Baby Butler! Comments are extremely appreciated! When Sebastian Michaelis, the sarcastic and charming demon butler of the Phantomhive household mysteriously turns into a child, how will Ciel...