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Ciel had returned to the manor with Sebastian, letting the child spend some time with the servants in the hopes of cheering him up. He had only meant to distance himself from the baby, not to upset him so severely...

As Finny carried Sebastian with him to the others, he quietly laid his head on his chest without protesting being taken away from Ciel. Finny looked to him in worry, having expected him to at least cry the young master's name once. Had they had a 'falling out'? What about their tearful reunion just the other day?

He stepped into the kitchen, still holding Sebastian. "Bard?" He asked uncertainly, causing the chef to glance up and put out the cigarette he'd been smoking as he spotted the child.

"What's 'ee doin' here?" He questioned. "Shouldn't the young master be watchin' 'im?"

"He gave him to me and told me we should watch him for a while, but Alexander didn't even mumble his name when I took him!" Finny explained worriedly, looking down to the raven-haired child.

"Really? What's wrong with 'im?" Bard looked him over as well.

"I don't know, but the young master didn't even seem upset or worried at all," Finny spoke unsurely, setting Sebastian on the countertop. "Maybe he's just tired?"

As the servants worried over him, all Sebastian could think of was Ciel. How Ciel had pushed him away and ignored his desperate cries in the study when all he wanted was to sit in his lap like he had before. Just wanted to be close to him and feel his affection, like he had before. His ruby red eyes welled with tears again as he sniffed.

"Eh?! Oh no, he's gonna cry?!" Finny worried, pulling the baby closer to him. Sebastian's small hand tightened on the gardener's shirt as he began to weep softly once more.

"Poor thing... Wish 'ee could tell us what's wrong," Bard shook his head slightly.

Ciel sat in his office as Tanaka stepped inside, placing his tea on his desk. "Young master..." He spoke unexpectedly. Ciel looked up.

"Yes, Tanaka?" He asked curiously, keeping the regret and guilt from his tone.

"You shouldn't try to hurt all those who love you," Tanaka advised. Ciel's eye widened.

"What do you mean?" He scoffed slightly. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Yes he did.

"I saw you hand off Alexander to Finnian in the hall. He looked so crushed, young master... And I can tell you are unhappy. Do not forget, I helped raise you," Tanaka smiled warmly.

Ciel grew quiet, looking at his hands on his desk rather than old man Tanaka. "I... I don't want anyone to get hurt... I don't want to get hurt." He admitted softly.

"All you are doing by pushing those around you away is hurting yourself and them," Tanaka reminded. "There is no love and affection without a bit of hurt in some ways."

Ciel glanced up again. "I... Thank you, Tanaka. I can always count on you to figure me out faster than I can myself." He nodded to the old butler. He bowed silently, and left. Ciel tapped his fingers on his desk worriedly. How would he regain Sebastian's trust?

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