Day Three - Broken

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Ciel woke, as usual, with Tanaka's greeting and Sebastian resting sleepily on his chest. He yawned and sat up, gently pushing the child off of himself. He was annoyed at himself for his behavior yesterday, showing such weakness. If Sebastian, the real him, had seen the way he behaved, he would never live it down until the day his soul was devoured.

Scoffing softly at the thought, he swung his feet off the side of the bed as Tanaka gave him his morning tea and read his schedule. Sebastian held on to his nightshirt with one hand, attempting to crawl to his side. Ciel scooted away from him, setting the tea aside as he stood to let Tanaka dress him.

Sebastian was hurt, watching Ciel ignore him. He whined quietly, hoping to get the attention of the boy, but he didn't turn his head.

Ciel left the room to head downstairs for breakfast. Tanaka picked up Sebastian and carried him down as well, although the raven-haired child tried to protest this.

Eating his food silently, Sebastian sitting in the crudely constructed high-chair beside him, Ciel did his best to ignore the child as much as possible. He wasn't soft, and he didn't care about some stupid demon just because he was a child. Sebastian would return to normal in two more days. Two more days.

He kept repeating this to himself, unsure how he felt about the time constraint. For one, he'd finally have his butler back. But, then again, he wondered if things would really return to normal. He glanced over at the child sitting next to him and wondered what was going on in his mind. Did he think like a baby? Did he know something was wrong? He'd gotten a lot clingier, for sure, he noted as he reached forward to grab onto his shirt again until Ciel moved away.

Mey-Rin was resting in her room, unable to fulfill her duties with the injury she'd sustained. Ciel had ordered she rest for the remainder of the week and longer if she didn't feel up to her chores. Besides, he'd have Sebastian back by then to fill in her place, so what was the use in making her injure herself further?

Ciel stood from his chair when he'd finished eating, lifting Sebastian out of his chair as well to carry up to his office. He tried to ignore the baby again, even as he clung to him with his arms around his neck and cooed his name adoringly.

He promptly put Sebastian in his playpen and started on his paperwork, finally having an excuse to completely ignore him as he stood using the pen as support and chanted his name repeatedly to get his attention. It got annoying very quickly.

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