Scarlet Thief

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Walking back into the manor, Ciel put up his hat, cane, and jacket. He glanced at Sebastian, who had begun softly squealing and nudging his face into Ciel's outfit. "What is it?" He sighed, adjusting his hold on him. Sebastian cooed and continued to squeal, wrapping his tiny arms around his neck as best he could and laying his head on his shoulder peacefully.

Realization dawned on Ciel when he noticed the child beginning to doze off on him. He carried him back up to his bedroom, moving to gently place him on the bed, pausing when he noticed how utterly peaceful Sebastian seemed as he slept nestled against him. He furrowed his eyebrows at the odd sensation this sent over him and through his chest.

No way.

There was no way he cared about this demonic baby, it was a nuisance and he wanted to be rid of it as soon as possible. He removed the baby from his shoulder and laid him back in his bed, turning to leave as he returned to his office to complete some paperwork.

He had been working for less than twenty minutes when he got the strangest feeling that something was wrong. Terribly wrong. Putting down his pen, he got out of his chair and left his office to go down the hallway until he reached his room to check up on the sleeping baby. He opened the door and was shocked to see only a fleeting glance of red hair outside the window, no baby in sight. Damn it, Lau had one job.

"Sebastian!" Ciel immediately ran to the window, opening it again and leaning out to see the red-cloaked reaper escaping with the black-haired child, who was practically screaming to go back to Ciel, crying all the while as they disappeared.

"Damn it! Finny! Bard! Mey-Rin!" He muttered, shouting for the others as he ran down the stairs and into the main hall. The three usually bumbling servants appeared almost in an instant.

"S-Alexander has been kidnapped by a man with long red hair wearing a red coat, I need you lot to track him down and get Alex back!" He demanded, describing Grell. The three only knew 'Grell' as another idiot servant, not a red bathed reaper.

The three nodded determinedly, Finny rushing off towards the back entrance as Bard made a break for the kitchen, Mey-Rin the roof as she flicked up her glasses and drew her pistols from the holders on her legs.

Ciel watched them leave, finding a strange sense of anxiety flowing through his body. He'd never felt that way before about something like this, even when he was the one being kidnapped. He didn't like it.

"Get back here in one piece, you damn demon..."

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