When Mey-Rin brought up Ciel's afternoon tea, she looked over at the baby Sebastian, playing happily with toys in his playpen. She smiled, sticking around slightly longer than usual, earning Ciel's slight annoyance.
"If you can manage not to destroy anything, can you take Alexander with you for a bit until I finish my work?" He spoke up as he sipped his tea. He knew it would do them all some good to try and be responsible, besides, Sebastian was a baby but he was still a demon, right? The fools couldn't be incompetent enough to let something happen to an infant.
"O-Of course young master!" Mey-Rin spoke up in surprise, approaching Sebastian's playpen and reaching in to lift him with much more ease than Ciel had. Sebastian seemed a bit confused but still held tight to his new cat toy with one hand and Mey-Rin's uniform with the other. He looked at Ciel and frowned, trying to reach toward him as Mey-Rin continued towards the door.
"Cell..." He whined quietly, but the door was already shut and they were heading down the hall.
"I thought the young master said he didn't trust us to watch Alexander!" Finny smiled when he saw Mey-Rin carrying the baby.
"He said that he had to finish some of his work, so he wanted us to watch him until then!" Mey-Rin smiled, carefully setting Sebastian on the countertop as he hugged his toy cat. "He's cute, huh? I can definitely tell he's related to Sebastian," She added curiously.
"Cute? I dunno about that, but he does look like a miniature version of Sebastian, huh? I wonder if you gave him a little suit he'd start doin' the chores," Bard joked, laughing. Sebastian looked at the three with big eyes.
"Hey there Alex, I'm Finny!" Finnian grinned, taking Mey-Rin's place in front of him. "Can you say that? Finny?"
"I don't think he's old enough to say much, Finnian," Mey-Rin responded to Finny's disappointment. "But I did hear him try to say the young master's name earlier," She added quickly.
"Cell!" Sebastian squealed in response. Finny beamed, standing in front of him again.
"Finny! Say that, huh?" He tried again. Sebastian gave him an odd look and hugged his cat toy closer. Finny sighed. "Maybe that's too hard?" He scratched his head in confusion.
"While you guys play the name game with a baby, I'll be cleanin' up," Bard mused, taking out a cigarette. Mey-Rin took it out of his hands. "Hey!" He complained, trying to take it back.
"No smoking in front of the baby!" Mey-Rin chastised.
"I wasn't gonna!" Bard defended. "Give it back!"
"Guys hush, you're scaring him," Finny chimed in frantically.
Sebastian hugged his toy closer, not liking all the yelling. Mey-Rin picked him up again, trying to soothe him, but he only squirmed away from her. She set him back on the countertop.
"Maybe he's tired?" Finny wondered as to why he was being fussy. "Has he taken a nap today?"
"I'm not sure," Mey-Rin admitted. "The young master's the one who's been watching him all day."
"Cell!" Sebastian squealed again, seeming upset. He held tight to his toy cat, looking between the three servants.
"Oh, do you think he misses the young master?" Finny asked in wonder. Sebastian squirmed again, sounding impatient.
"But, the young master said to keep him here until he finished his work," Mey-Rin worried.
"Well, we can't help it that the kid likes him so much," Bard shrugged, picking up Sebastian casually. He didn't seem to like that, attempting to squirm away again until he managed to end up on the tile floor. Toy cat in hand, he quickly crawled away at a speed babies definitely shouldn't be able to reach.
"Catch him!" Mey-Rin fretted, quickly chasing after the baby with Finny right behind. Bard was dumbstruck at what just happened, running after them as well shortly after. Sebastian managed to evade the servants, hiding at times and out-crawling them at others, until eventually, Tanaka scooped him up beside the stairs with ease. The three servants stopped, panting. Sebastian held on to Tanaka, who smiled and nodded slightly. He proceeded to carry Sebastian back up the stairs and into Ciel's office.
"Tanaka?" Ciel seemed vaguely surprised as the older butler placed Sebastian in his playpen.
"Cell!" Sebastian cheered, squealing happily from within his playpen, using it to stand as he peered over the edge at the navy haired boy. Ciel sighed.

Baby Butler Remastered!
FanfictionThis is a total remake of one of my most popular stories- Baby Butler! Comments are extremely appreciated! When Sebastian Michaelis, the sarcastic and charming demon butler of the Phantomhive household mysteriously turns into a child, how will Ciel...