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Ciel and Sebastian remained in Ciel's room for a few hours, Sebastian sleeping as Ciel calmly comforted him until he too had fallen asleep and forgotten about his work for the day.

And about his expected visitor.

At around noon, the doors to the Phantomhive manor were swung open with a shrill call.


The navy-haired boy's eyes shot open as he was awoken by the door to his room being thrown open just as the manor's doors had been.

"Ciel, what are you doing still in bed?" Lady Elizabeth beamed as she stepped inside. "It's already noon!" She continued, freezing when she spotted Ciel laid on the bed with the baby on his chest, still sleeping peacefully.

"Ah- Elizabeth!" Ciel was still startled. "I nearly forgot you were coming, I've been a bit busy as you can tell..."

"Why is there a baby on you, Ciel? What's going on?" Elizabeth asked in slight concern.

"This is Sebastian's nephew Alexander, Sebastian had to go for a few days so I'm watching over him," Ciel explained, sitting up and carefully supporting the sleeping baby. Elizabeth brightened once more, cooing as she rushed to Ciel's side.

"Oh, Ciel! You're so kind and wonderful with him! Can't you just imagine having a child of our own once we're married?" She gushed. Ciel's face reddened.

"Let's not get off-topic!" He quickly corrected, flustered. Sebastian held closer to Ciel with a sound of protest. The earl took this as a sign to settle down, lightly bouncing the sleeping child and cooing hushed words to him to reassure him back to sleep. Elizabeth continued to admire this with a soft, gentle smile. She wished Ciel would show this side of him more often.

"Let's head downstairs," Ciel spoke quietly, standing from his bed with Sebastian in arms.

"Are you sure? Shouldn't we stay here if the baby's sleeping?" Elizabeth worried. Ciel flashed her a rare smile.

"Trust me, he'll sleep through almost anything as long as I'm holding him," He assured, beginning to head out the door. Elizabeth followed. She wondered why Sebastian would leave for a few days with no notice and dump his nephew onto Ciel to take care of, but she decided it wasn't her business to worry about. She marveled at how similar Alexander looked to Sebastian, but she supposed it made sense if they were related. Even more so, she was in wonder at how naturally Ciel got along with the baby.

Even as the servants noisily rushed away when they spotted Elizabeth, Sebastian never stirred in Ciel's arms as he ran his hand over the child's back soothingly.

"What is it that you want to do, Elizabeth?" Ciel asked.

"I always tell you, call me Lizzy!" Elizabeth corrected with a grin. "And I want to see the garden! It's always so lovely and pretty this time of year! It'll be good for the baby, too," She giggled.

"Alright then, to the garden," Ciel nodded with a slight smile. He already knew the perfect place to sit.

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