Mey-Rin and Finny had been tracking down the red-haired man that had kidnapped Alexander for almost an hour now. She was beginning to feel dread but refused to back down even when Finny began to appear concerned that they may not find him again. It wasn't until they discovered footprints in the soft ground just outside the manor grounds in the woods that they regained their hope fully, however.
"This way, I'll circle left while you keep following the trail straight ahead. There's a steep dropoff to the right of us. We'll cut him off," She directed, sending Finny on his way as she ran off in a wide circle to the left, glasses stored safely in her apron as she used her keen senses to track the trail of footprints and ensure she never lost sight of where she was meant to be going.
"You little brat, stop squirming!" She stopped when she heard the faint voice, drawing her guns and carefully stalking forward now. She heard Finny not far behind. Soon enough, she spotted a flash of red and heard the squeal of a baby.
"You stupid child!" Grell growled, trying to get a hold on Sebastian, who was relentlessly squirming and trying to get onto the ground, tears welling in his eyes as he continued to squeal and scream, kicking and fighting.
"Cell! Cell!" He wailed loudly, practically breaking Mey-Rin's heart at the sight. With his squirming, however, she couldn't get a clear shot. Glancing over to Finny, she nodded slightly to let him know this was his call.
Finnian narrowed his eyes at Grell, absolutely livid at what he was putting the child through by doing this. Moving carefully behind Grell, he grabbed him at the same time Mey-Rin rushed forward to pull Sebastian away. Startled, Grell forgot to fight back for a few seconds. He soon regained himself, jamming his elbow into Finny's ribs as hard as he could.
The strong gardener coughed violently, his hold weakening enough to let Grell escape. Mey-Rin held Sebastian in one arm and whipped out her gun with her free hand, aiming it at Grell's head but misfiring when he rushed forward, nailing him in the shoulder instead. Grell growled in pain, putting a hand over his now bleeding shoulder as the two Phantomhive servants stepped away quickly, out of the range of attack.
"You idiots... You'd look far better wrapped up in rosy red!" Grell proclaimed with a wild grin, exposing inhumanly sharp teeth as a loud engine revved, exposing his chainsaw Death Scythe.
Mey-Rin and Finny were on the alert, setting Sebastian safely aside as Mey-Rin pulled both of her guns and Finnian hefted a nearby boulder onto his shoulder. Grell laughed maniacally, rushing them both with his weapon behind him, ready to swing it forward. Mey-Rin fired a few rounds at him, hitting him in the chest twice and skimming the cloth of his shirt once. She was stunned when this didn't stop him from running forward.
Finny hefted the boulder over his head, winding back like a baseball pitcher before launching it at Grell, who swung his Death Scythe forward and cut it in half. Mey-Rin and Finny gasped in shock and slight horror as the wild look in Grell's eyes only heightened as he reached them, rearing up to attack them head-on.
Mey-Rin and Finny scattered in opposite directions, Grell's attack falling on the air they'd just inhabited. Grell looked between them, unsure of who to attack first. Mey-Rin took this time to aim a well-placed shot to the head, which still didn't take him down, only seemed to briefly distract him with pain.
"Finny, now!" She demanded, shooting him an enraged look that startled him. He nodded, swiftly running to where they'd put down Sebastian and picking him up, continuing to run towards the manor. Mey-Rin began to run after him after firing a few more times at Grell for good measure. Before she had gotten a few feet, she fell flat on her face when something snagged her ankle.
Grell had caught her, dragging her back toward him as she looked back in horror, closing her eyes as she flinched, drawing an arm over her face as if that would be any help. Grell's chainsaw revved dangerously as he swung it down on her.

Baby Butler Remastered!
FanfictionThis is a total remake of one of my most popular stories- Baby Butler! Comments are extremely appreciated! When Sebastian Michaelis, the sarcastic and charming demon butler of the Phantomhive household mysteriously turns into a child, how will Ciel...