Day One - Phantomhive Manor

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Ciel found the amount of sleep he was getting to be suspicious. Reluctantly, he raised his hands to his eyes to rub the sleep away, forcing them open against the harsh rays of the sun beaming through his curtains. He sat up suddenly. The sun was this high already? Where the hell was Sebastian, and why hadn't he woken him up already?

"Sebastian!" Ciel yelled annoyedly, expecting the tall demon to come and explain himself. He waited for a few minutes, hearing nothing in the manor stir. With gritted teeth, he threw off his blankets and stormed to his door, throwing it open and peering into the hallway.

"Sebastian! Where are you?" He yelled again. Still no answer. Now he was beginning to get suspicious. Carefully making his way through the halls towards the head butler's quarters, he opened up the wooden door, peering inside.

"Sebastian?" He called out questioningly, scanning the empty room. Well, almost empty. There was Sebastian alright, though he was certainly not normal. Maybe Ciel should give him a free pass for not waking him up on time, considering the lone figure in the room besides himself was a sleeping toddler. Silently shutting the door, Ciel crept to the bedside to examine the child. Raven black hair, pale skin, and a small butler uniform. There was no doubt that it was Sebastian.

"What have you gotten into now, you damn demon..." Ciel muttered annoyedly, as he stormed out of the room. He returned with appropriate baby clothing, and a few old toys he'd found lying around in a chest. Setting the toys on the floor, Ciel changed the small butler out of the tiny uniform, although it was adorable, and placed him in a navy blue onesie instead. He had to find a way to pass off this child, and Sebastian's disappearance, to the servants. Sebastian opened his big, round, ruby eyes. He and Ciel locked their gazes, staring at each other for a moment in wonder.

"Cell?" Sebastian mumbled in a tiny, high-pitched voice. Ciel blinked in surprise, although he wasn't sure what he'd expected. Sebastian was a baby now, after all. Tiny hands groped the air impatiently, a demand to be picked up. Ciel hefted the child into his arms, carrying him with one hand and picking up the discarded uniform in the other, hiding it in a drawer just before a knock came at the bedroom door.

"Mister Sebastian?" Ciel's gaze snapped to the wooden door at the familiar voice on the other side, Sebastian still in hand as he looked up at the shocked face of Mey-Rin as the door swung open. Well, he'd better think of something fast.

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