25. Skilled Friend

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"About Saturday. Do you have a date other than your mom? Because if not, I was thinking we could sit at a table together this year. Your decision to attend last year was too spontaneous, which was why we didn't sit together. Remember?" Zion hissed when he realized he forgot about Lord Asher's charity event.

"About that. I don't know if I should go. I mean after everything that happened two weeks ago and-"
"Don't worry about the press. Bonnie is coming too and I've told her the same thing I'm about to tell you. Don-"

"Yeah, I'm not coming." Zion decided.
"Yes, you are. Or else I will personally drag you there. Don't let them know that they're getting to you, Zion. That's what they want." Maddox sighed.

"That doesn't work on me. You know I don't give a shit about what the press says about me." He assured his godfather.
"Then what's the deal. You came last year, why not this year?" Maddox asked.
"I have other things to do." Was all Zion answered.

"What other things?" Maddox inquired to know.
"Just other things, why would you ask me that?" Zion frowned, getting annoyed.
"Because I don't believe that you have other things to do. Listen, I know how the press can ruin a person's mood and their will to do specific things, like going to a publicly displayed and very popular charity event. And even though you say you don't care, you're not as tough as you try to appear." Maddox sighed.

"How about you and your mom get to the location before anybody arrives, so you won't have to go through the paparazzi torture in order to officially be let into the castle. Just come on Friday, so that you don't have to deal with the press the next day. You and your mom can each have your own rooms and sleep over. Paparazzi usually come hours before the event starts. Stay over, attend the main part of the event and that's it." Zion didn't know about that, he was still not sure if he even wanted to be at the event and most likely see Bonnie. Not that he cared about her...

"Listen, Sheryl is really excited to attend this year. We talked about it earlier, because you haven't talked to her about it yet. She is probably going to ask you later and I told her I would talk to you. Don't ruin this for her again, Zion. She is so excited to come with you this year." Maddox knew his mother was Zion's weak spot. Though he felt bad for using that to his advantage, he wanted Zion to have a good time again. He did enjoy it last time, Maddox knew.

"Fine." Zion growled, knowing he lost. It was never easy to argue with Maddox Asher, but most of the time he won. Today was different and he had a feeling going to the charity event was also going to be different.

"Good. We will sit-"
"I don't care. We're going to be there around 5 on Friday. I'm expecting a marvellous dinner." With that, Zion hung up and refrained himself from throwing his phone against the wall across from him. Instead, he placed it onto his desk and covered his face with his hands.

It was Wednesday the following week and he hadn't heard about Pepperwood again. He trusted him but was really hoping that he found something by now. He still got an update of his whereabouts every hour but that was it. He was in the warehouse again, just like the last few days but has found nothing but a huge office. He was right, there were no employees and it looked like the whole fabric company was gone.


"Did you find something?" Zion asked Pepperwood. He had called him since it was obvious that Pepperwood's one word answers via text weren't enough.
"No, but I have called one of my most trustworthy friends who can get into any computer and any account in seconds. He's coming into the warehouse with me tomorrow." He answered.

"Listen, if you don't find anything then leave it be. You've been at the warehouse for three days now. It's obviously not going anywhere." Zion snapped.
"We will see after tomorrow, my friend. You should have a little faith in me. Besides that though, I have other news for you." Pepperwood responded.

"What is it?" Zion asked.
"Kent has been meeting up with your baby momma. They went into a few stores and boutiques today during lunch time." He told Zion.
"Have you found out why?" He asked, jaw clenched. Something in him flipped when he heard that information.

"I guess they are friends or more. They seem pretty comfortable around each other." Jack Pepperwood shrugged on the other end.
"So nothing interesting happened? I was hoping there was a reason as to why you'd tell me about their business. I for my part do not care about the two as a couple. I only want updates on Kent and that stupid warehouse." Zion growled.

"I thought-"
"Furthermore, I expect you to get something tomorrow or I'll fucking break into that warehouse myself. Do you hear me?" Zion continued.
"Yes, Dawsey." Pepperwood shook his head.
"Oh and Pepperwood?" Zion asked.

"Yeah?" He answered.
"Call her my baby momma again and our business is terminated." With that, Zion hung up. He was getting annoyed by Pepperwood.

The guy was in the warehouse for three days, has found nothing the first and the second day, but was only calling that skilled friend of his now? Zion hated relying on people, especially when he wanted answers fast. He was not a very patient person when it came to his business.

After calming down, Zion made dinner and continued to work on his computer all night. But no matter how tired he was in the morning, he was still thinking about the same question that made him work the whole night.

Why the fuck are Kent and Ebony seeing each other?

Why the fuck are Kent and Ebony seeing each other?

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