Chapter one

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I lay on my bunk bed staring up at the ceiling, waiting for something interesting to happen. Its so strange not being on the road anymore and I constantly feel like I need to get up and do something, but theres nothing to do. The only interesting thing that was happening was AJ sharpening his knife; he's been doing that non-stop for the past week. Sometimes I worry about that boy because he acts more like an adult than a little kid. I can't help but blame myself for the way he has turned out. My mind suddenly flashes back to the kiss Louis and I had the other day; I just can't stop thinking about how comforting and loving it felt. Every time I see him I just want to kiss him but I think that would be a bit too forward.

"What you doing there goofball?" I say in a goofy voice, and his brown eyes light up. He is so adorable, how did I get so lucky?

"Making a knife so I can kill the monsters." He proudly says, and I smile.

"That sounds like a good idea. Just be careful with it, okay?" I calmly say, trying to hide my anger because I hated it when AJ made weapons without my consent. Im trusting him this time though.

"I'm going to talk with Louis, which means you'll be on your own. Please don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." I say strictly and stand up from my bed, heading for the door.

"Okay..." He suspiciously says, raising an eyebrow at me. "Why do you need to talk to Louis?" AJ asks, furrowing his eyebrows at me. I freeze and feel my cheeks heating up.

"Just talking to him about some- uhh... things." I awkwardly say, opening the door slightly so I could leave the room.

"Alright. Bye Clem, have fun!" He teases, and I roll my eyes and leave the room.

I make my way outside and the cooling breeze blows through my hair, causing goosebumps to trail all over my skin. It was so peaceful around here, and I feel so lucky that I get to live here with everyone. Everyone was hanging out with each other laughing and having a good time, whereas Louis was standing on his own practicing archery. I casually watch from a distance as he fails to hit the target a couple times.

Eventually, I build up the courage and take a deep breath before anxiously making my way over to him. My heart was beating out of my chest, and I felt like just not talking to him at all and just running back into my room like a child. As I approach closer, the kiss we had replays over in my head and makes me blush like crazy.

"...Hey." I shyly say, my voice barley audible. He turns around and his brown eyes meet mine, causing my legs to almost give way. He gives me an adorable smile and I thought I could pass out on top of him... actually, that wouldn't be so bad. "What you up to?" I stupidly say, wanting to slap myself for being so awkward.

"Marlon is forcing me to learn archery, so I guess I'm doing archery now." He chuckles and I awkwardly move the hair from my face, avoiding eye contact with him.

After a few moments of awkward silence, he gets back to shooting the target and manages to hit it, but not in the middle. He tries again, placing his tongue between his teeth. I wish he knew how crazy he is making me feel right now. His beady eyes were on nothing but the target, and I wished that he was looking at me the way he was looking at the target.

"Louis." I finally manage to say and he releases the arrow, missing the target again. He groans and drops his bow to the floor, putting all his attention on me. I found it mentally exhausting to not grab his adorable face and press my lips against his.

"What's up?" He smiles, placing his hands on his hips.

Suddenly, I get incredibly shy and completely forget what I was going to say. He stares at me with confusion and I could feel my face heating up with pure embarrassment.

"I... Actually it doesn't matter." I stutter, awkwardly walking away from him.

He gently wraps his hand around my wrist, pulling me back over to him. The comedic smile on his face was the sexiest thing I've ever seen...

"Clementine." He chuckles.

"What?" I say, acting like I didn't know what he was on about.

"it's obvious." He smirks, stepping closer to me.

"What is?" I question, taking a small step back.

He places his warm hands on either side of my face and stares into my eyes. I completely freeze because he had me under his spell, again. Gently, he presses his lips against mine and my body relaxes. Our lips fitted together perfectly, and the kiss felt so gentle and warm. Everything that was stressing me out didn't seem to matter anymore.

"Is that what you wanted?" He smirks, pulling away from the kiss.

My eyes are still closed, and I am still playing our kiss over and over in my head. I nod and bring my face closer to his to kiss him again. I could hear Ruby and Violet cheering in the distance, which puts a smile on my face.

"Meet me at 10pm tonight." He smiles and my heart skips a beat.

"Like a date?" I excitedly ask. Nobody has ever asked me on a date before; I feel special.

"Yes. If you wanna call it that, a date." He says in a goofy voice.

Did you enjoy the first part of my Clouis fanfic? This chapter has been edited by me twice so it is much better than the original version. Please give this chapter a vote If you enjoyed it. :)

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