Chapter 49

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I'm generally really sorry for not updating in 5 months, and I hope you guys can understand that I've been really busy with exams lately. Everything in my life has started to calm down for now, but i'm dealing with a lot right now and im sure everyone is. One of my New Years resolutions was to continue this story and stay dedicated to it so im going to actually stay dedicated until its finished. I actually feel terrible for not updating in a long time even though I promised I would. I honestly love you all so much, and the support you've all given me is unreal! like how does this story have 60k reads and 2k votes?! HAPPY NEW YEARS AND ENJOY THIS CHAPTER!

Chapter 49, Clementines pov.

"The door was closed when I left, I-I swear." Louis puts his hands up in front of him for defence and I just roll my eyes at him. I don't hate him, I could never hate him, I just wish he could be more responsible sometimes.

"So you're saying someone broke in? You know what happened last time I lost our baby, I can't loose her again." I growl and search around the house with my gun held firmly in my hand. My legs were weak and my heart was thumping out of my chest. The thought of someone taking Luna or AJ makes me physically sick to the stomach.

"AJ!" I yell but there was just silence, but the silence was so unbearably loud. Even Louis wouldn't talk, and that's fucking strange. "Where-" I am cut of by a gunshot and a scream from Louis. No.

Everything seemed to be going in slow motion as I watch Louis fall to the floor with blood pouring out of his side. Just a few more inches up and I would've lost him forever. I scream and fall to the floor next to him, cradling his weakening body.

"Louis! I- You're going to be okay alright?" I panic, taking his hand in mine. He nods his head slowly and squeezes my hand.

"I will be okay, Clem. Don't you worry about me right now." He says and I furrow my eyebrows at him, a couple tears falling down my cheeks.

"What happened?" Mitch stupidly asks. I could slap him right now...

"What do you think happened? Go get help now!" I scream and he sprints off to get Ruby and a few others. I bring my attention back to Louis and he was trying to sit up and act like he wasn't just shot. "What are you doing? Lie back down." I panic.

"Clem, i'll be alright-"

"Have you seen yourself? You are literally bleeding buckets right now, Lou." I say and he lies back down on the floor. I apply pressure to the wound until Ruby and Violet finally arrived with medical supplies. "He was shot- H-He's bleeding a lot." I say to ruby and violet and they lift his shirt up and start to treat his wound.

"Go get the kids. i'll be alright." Louis says and I kiss him goodbye like it was out last kiss. let's just hope its not our last kiss...

With my gun held firmly in my hand, I run upstairs and start searching around the house for AJ and Luna. If those bad people took my kids, someone is gon' die a painful death today.

"AJ? Luna?" I yell and I hear a door creak open from behind me. Quickly, I turn around and AJ was standing there holding onto a very traumatised Luna. Tears were covering both of their faces and all I wanted to do was cuddle them. "Oh my god- Are you guys okay? Did they hurt you at all?" I get down on my knees and check them for any injuries. Luckily, they were both fine physically, but I don't know how bad the mental damage is.

"Bad man." Luna sniffles and AJ holds her tightly.

"There was a man. He was tall and scary and he was waving a gun in our faces saying he was going to kill us if we didn't come with him..." AJ chokes and I hug them both tightly. "He grabbed Luna and tried to hurt her, but I shot the bad man in the leg and then he ran downstairs and got Louis."

"He's gone now. If he comes back, he won't hurt any of us again, I promise." I reassuringly say, and they both nod.

"Mummy I- I'm s-scared." Luna cries and my heart melts. She looked so traumatised it actually hurts.

"You don't need to be scared, alright? We've got this under control and the bad man is gone now." I say and they both nod, tears rolling down their faces.

"Clem! You might want to get down here..." Violet says in a panicked voice. "It's Louis."


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