Chapter 15

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"How are you?" I ask and his face instantly turns pale.

"I... I miss Ruby so much." He says on the verge of tears.

"Me too." I say.

"She shot you Clem, she doesn't deserve to come back!" AJ butts in.

"I know, but she didn't mean to. Can we please forgive her?" I beg.

"You're right," Tenn adds. "No matter how bad someone messes up, you should always find a way to forgive them." He says.

I nod in agreement and continue eating my apple. Suddenly, a wave of sickness overcomes me and I feel light headed. Louis grabs my hand and stares at me.

"You okay?" He asks and cups my face with his hands.

"I'll be right back." I say holding in my vomit.

Tenn and AJ look at me with a worried expression as I run off to the bathroom. Louis follows after me and holds my hair back when I throw up. I finish throwing up and wipe my mouth with my sleeve.

"This is so horrible." I cry.

He brings me into his arms and lets me cry into his shoulder, whispering reassuring words into my ears. I see AJ running in the bathroom.

"AJ, please give her some privacy." Louis says softly but quickly.

Luckily, AJ nods and leaves the room. Louis holds onto me even tighter as I cry my eyes out.

"It's gonna be ok." He says and holds my face in his hands. "Can I do anything to help?" He asks.

"No." I sob. "I feel better now."

He nods and takes my hand, leading me back outside. It felt nice to have some fresh air after throwing up my stomach. AJ runs over to me and hugs me tightly.

"Woah, careful AJ." Louis says.

AJ loosens his grip around me and stares at my pale face that was now gaining its colour back.

"What happened?" He asks.

I look to Louis and Louis looks to me. I think we should tell everyone before it gets too late.

"We need to talk to you." I say.

Louis' grip on my hand tightens. I smile at him to show that I was ok and ready to tell him. AJ, Louis and I back away from the others and I mentally prepare myself to tell him the news.

"Are you bit?" AJ says with tears in his eyes.

"No, no! It's something else..." I say awkwardly.

He sighs in relief and gazes at me. I take a deep breath and look at Louis. I'm not sure if I can tell him.

"Do you want me to tell him?" Louis asks.

"Yeah, if you don't mind." I sigh.

"Clementine is pregnant," Louis says calmly. AJ looks confused. "She's going to have a baby." He refrases himself.

"I know what that means..." AJ says grumpily.

He looks to me and then my stomach. To my surprise, he smiles and hugs me tightly.

"You're going to have a baby!" He yells and jumps up and down.

Me and Louis both laugh at his excitement. I'm so glad he has taken it so well.

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