Chapter 36

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I wake up and my body is hurting all over from lying down on a hard stone floor all night. My hips were bruised and I had grazes on both my knees from moving them in the night. But the one thing that made me feel better was waking up next to the man I love and our tiny baby. Louis was rocking her gently and Luna was holding onto her daddy's finger. I can't get over how tiny she is. Maybe she's going to be a short person when she's older. Who knows?

"You're awake." He says happily and kisses my heavy head.

"My whole body hurts." I groan and rub my back with my hands.

"Me too. Hopefully we can sleep in an actual bed soon." He sighs. I would literally kill to sleep in a bed tonight.

I look at everyone else in the cave and instantly notice Ruby and Aasim cuddling onto each other like they were dating. Are they dating?

"You should probably feed Luna before I we leave." Louis suggests.

"You're right." I smile and take Luna off Louis gently.

She was beginning to look more and more beautiful every time I look at her adorable face. I cover up before I let Luna feed on me. The others start to wake up and they all look really uncomfortable when they realise that they were sleeping on a cold, hard floor. Luna finishes feeding and her beautiful eyes close. She sleeps a lot like me.

"We should all get ready to leave." Aasim yawns and begins to pack his bag.

I ignore him and keep my attention on Luna and Louis. Louis looked like he was still in pain from the bucket wound.

"Who shot you?" I ask.

"I don't know. I think her name was Lilly." He says and my heart drops to my stomach.

Lilly? It could just be a coincidence but I generally think it could be her. I thought she died. Louis notices my face fall and doesn't hesitate to ask what's wrong.

"What is it Clem?" He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"What did she look like?" I panic.

"She had brown hair, she was tall and her voice was really annoying." He says.

Fuck. I was right, it could of been the Lilly I knew that shot Louis. I swear to god if I see her I am going to kill her.

"Clem?" Louis says softly.

"Nothing. I just knew someone called Lilly once." I say calmly.

"Oh." Is all Louis can say and to be honest I don't blame him.

He grabs my hand and he holds Luna with the other. Everyone leaves the cave and makes sure that there are no walkers around.

I am going to skip the part when they are travelling over to the light because it's boring and it will take ages to write. :)

When we finally arrive at the mysterious light, it must've been about 7pm. Everyone was worn out from walking for hours but when we realise what the 'light' is, a excited look plasters across all our tired faces.

"Is that..." Ruby gasps.

"Yes! Oh my god. I can't believe it." I jump up and down excitedly.

I was right. It is a community and it looks secure as well. Suddenly every worry that was crowding my mind disappeared. Except now I had one more thing to worry about. What if they can't let us all in?

"What do we do?" Aasim asks and looks at the place with confusion.

"I guess we could just go up to the front and see what happens." I say sounding unsure.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea." Violet says.

I sneak out from behind a tree but a hand pulls me back urgently.

"I'll go." Louis says strictly and passes Luna to me.

"But Lou..." I stutter.

"I will be fine." He says softly and kisses me.

I say nothing. Instead I just watch him as he slowly walks over to the huge gate with his hands up in front of him. The young woman on lookout points a large gun at him and I begin to panic.

"I'm not here to cause trouble." Louis says calmly.

I hold onto Luna tightly and make sure that she doesn't cry.

"Is it just you?" The arrogant woman yells.

"No. I have a group." He says anxiously.

The woman looks around and she spots me standing behind a tree. I walk over to Louis and stand next to him with Luna still in my arms. She looks directly at Luna and her face drops.

"You have a baby?" She says calmly.

"Yeah." I reply.

Suddenly, a gunshot from behind me causes me to jump out of my skin and Luna to cry loudly. Fuck. A familiar voice shouts and Louis looks scared.

"That's the girl who shot me." Louis stutters nervously.

Lilly? No it can't be her.

Sorry for not updating in a while. I've just been making the most of the Easter Holiday because I go back to school on Tuesday ahhh. Give this. Chapter a vote :).

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