Chapter 42

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Clems pov

I wake up with my bare chest against his. I burry my head in his neck and he kisses it lightly.

"Good morning baby." He mumbles.

I mumble in response because I am too lazy to get the words out. His warm arms wrap around my naked back so he can hold me closer. As much as I want to stay like this, I can't. I need to have a shower and help out the rest of the group with whatever shit they are doing. Slowly, I sit up and Louis groans.

"Don't leave." He begs, his beautiful eyes glistening.

"I need to have a shower." I sigh.

"You want me to join you?" He teases.

My face turns slightly red at the thought of me and Louis having a shower together. As much as I want to, now is not the time.

"...No." I giggle.

"Fine." He sighs.

I kiss him on the lips gently before gathering all of my clothes off the floor and heading into the bathroom.

                                  • • •

After I had finished my warm, steamy shower, I put all of my clothes on my damp body. As I am leaving the bathroom, Louis is nowhere to be seen. I search every room, but there was nothing.

"Lou?" I yell.

But there was no reply. I roll my eyes and make my way outside to see that he was standing by the gate with Ruby, Violet and 3 people that looked oddly familiar. Louis did not look happy at all, in fact he looked extremely pissed off. I run over to them and they all look at me with a relived face.

"What's going on?" I ask, clearly confused.

"Clem! You won't believe what they're planning on doing." Louis says angrily.

"What?" I ask.

"We were just trying to help..." Ruby buts in.

Louis rudely ignores her and gives her the cold shoulder.

"They were planning on saving Luna without us." Louis snaps.

What the hell? I understand that they're just trying to help, but why would they go behind my back? They damn right know that Lilly only took my baby so she could see me again. I look at the three familiar people and my heart stops.

"Molly? Ava? Gabe?" I blurt out.

Molly and Ava's faces light up and they both bring me into a warm hug whereas Gabe stands there awkwardly.

"You know these people?" Louis questions.

"Yeah." I smile, pulling away from the warm hug.

"Clementine." Gabe says shyly.

His voice was almost the same as it was the last time, but deeper. I wonder if I should hug him but I have a boyfriend and I know that Louis wouldn't be happy if I did.

"Hey Gabe." I smile.

He smiles back awkwardly. Louis wraps his arm around my back and holds me closely to show that I belong to him. He shouldn't act like this, he knows that he is the only one that I love.

"Are you mad at us Clem?" Violet asks.

I think about it for a moment and decide to keep calm. I would usually lash out at them for going behind my back, but they're my friends.

"No, of course not." I say softly. "You guys were just trying to help..."

They all sigh in relief and look as if a weight has been lifted off their shoulders.

"We're coming with you." I blurt out.

They all look at each other as if they were talking using mind power. I begin wonder why they are being so weird about me coming.

"Fine." Ruby says. "Get your stuff ready, we will leave in an hour."

We all nod and depart from each other so that we could get ready. Louis grabs hold of my hand and we walk back to the cabin together. I could just feel Gabes eyes on us, or was I just being paranoid. What me and Gabe had is over.

                                  • • •

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