Chapter 43

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I grab my bag along with some other things like water, apples, bandages etc... As I am putting the apple in my bag, Louis walks over to me and laughs.

"Why are you bringing an apple? Are you planning on throwing it at Lilly or something?" He teases.

"It's not funny! I like apples, ok?" I growl.

"If you say so..." He giggles.

He walks off, still giggling at me mockingly. He's so annoying!

"If you're not careful, I'll throw the apple at you!" I giggle.

He puts his hand over his heart and pretends to be offended.

I put my bag on my back and lean my body against the counter. I'm so nervous. What if one of us dies? No, I couldn't deal with that pain. Louis notices my anxious expression and comes over to me.

"It's going to be fine." He says softly, the pad of his thumb stroking my cheeks.

I place my hand over his and smile.

"Nothing bad will happen. We will just find Lilly, kill her and take our baby. Easy." He says calmly.

How can he be so calm? Maybe it's just me overthinking everything again. I guess I'm just afraid of loosing someone, especially Louis.

"How are you so calm about this?" I ask, sounding surprised.

"I'm secretly not. I act like I've got everything together, but in reality I'm scared shitless." He sighs.

'You're really good at hiding your emotions Lou. You always act so happy and I just wish you could open up to me more, you know?" I say.

"...You're right. I'm just not used to being open with anyone." He says.

I wrap my arms around his shoulders and kiss his adorable face everywhere. I love kissing him, he's just so kissable.

"Just think... After we get Luna back, we can just relax and get on with our life's." I say excitedly.

He was just about to kiss me, but then we're were rudely disturbed by a loud knock on our door. By the sound of that knock, it was defiantly not done by a female.

"Fuck sake." I mumble.

I roll my eyes and walk over to the door quickly. Before I can even touch the door handle, the door flies open and almost hits me in the face. Gabe was standing in the doorway with a serious look upon his face.

"Are you guys coming or what?" He says rudely.

Despite his tall, muscular figure, his voice was still nerdy like the last time I talked to him. Louis walks up from behind me and holds onto my hand. Why does he have to do that every time he sees Gabe? Is he intimidated by him?

"Yeah we're coming." Louis groans, pushing past him rudely.

I give Gabe a small, kind smile before leaving the cabin. To my surprise, he smiles back. It's better than nothing I guess... When we get outside, we group up with Violet, Ruby, Ava, Molly and Gabe. Louis places his hands on my shoulders and turns me around so we're facing eye to eye. What?

"If anything happens to me, just take Luna and go." He says seriously. What is he talking about? He knows that no matter what we will all make it out alive.

"Don't talk like that!" I yell, trying to hide the tears that were beginning to form in my eyes. I watch as his face falls.

"Please, Clem." He begs.

"What if something happens to me?" I question. My tone was much angrier than I anticipated. I hate yelling at Louis. He doesn't reply to my question. Instead he keeps his head pointed down at the floor. "We're both going to make it out. Don't ever talk like that." I say softly, grabbing his hand.

"I'm just... scared." He sighs. I can't help but feel bad, so I pull him into a gentle hug.

"Don't be scared. We're going to get our little one back, I promise." I whisper into his ear and he gently nods in reply.

I hear the footsteps of horses coming from behind me. We both look at the horses and smile. Thank god, we don't have to walk there.

"Horses?" I say excitedly. The last time I rode a horse seemed like a whole lifetime a go.

"Hell yeah a mother fucking horse!" Louis grins and runs over to the black horse with a well groomed Maine. Of course he would choose the best one.

Everyone else, especially Gabe, rolls their eyes at Louis and gets on a horse each.

"Clem! You come on this one with me." Louis says sweetly.

I was just about to mount the horse but AJ's voice was calling my name. Shit... I've completely forgotten about him. How could I? I'm so selfish.

"Hey their little goof ball." I smile and bring him into a tight hug.

"Too tight!" He giggles.

"I love you." I say with tears in my eyes.

"I love you too, Clem." He smiles.

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