Chapter 41

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Ruby's pov
After we had all finished dinner, Paul takes us outside and introduces us to Ava, Gabe and Molly. Ava was a short girl with a beautiful smile, Gabe was a tall and muscular man with a serious expression and Molly was a stunning blonde lady with beautiful eyes that you could get lost in.

"What do you want from us this time?" Gabe says rudely.

Ava nudges Gabe aggressively and shakes her head at him with an angry expression. Despite his rude attitude, I find him slightly attractive. But I'm in love with Aasim, not him.

"These people need help getting their friends baby girl back." Paul says strictly.

"Don't tell me that Lilly has her baby..." Molly groans.

"Lilly has her baby..." Paul says and they all instantly groan.

They all seem aggravated that Lilly has Clems baby and I can't help but feel bad.

"We can't bring all of you, there's too many of us. So, who's coming?" Gabe says grumpily.

"I will." Violet says confidently, taking a step forward.

"Me too." I say quickly.

I want to be the one to bring Clems baby back. Gabe looks around and realised that he is the only guy coming along. I try to hold in my laughter.

"So I'm the only guy? Fantastic..." He says sarcastically.

"Come on Gabe, lighten up a bit!" Molly teases. "It's not that bad." She giggles.

A barley visible smile creeps up on his emotionless face, but it quickly fades. Something must've happened to him to make him this way. Maybe his family died? Maybe he's going through a breakup? Or maybe he's just an asshole...

"Who is the mother anyways? I wanna meet her first." Molly says excitedly.

"No! I don't want her to know that she's getting her baby back. We should surprise her with Luna when we come back." I blurt out.

"Ok... That's understandable. Can you at least tell me her name?" She begs.

"Her name is Clementine." Paul smiles. "I met her a couple years back."

Gabes face turns pale and tears begin to form in his eyes whereas Ava and Molly jump up and down with excitement. What the hell?

"Clementine? She's still alive?" Molly says excitedly. "I met her when she was just a kid!" She squeals.

"She was my first friend." Ava squeaks, with tears forming in her eyes.

Gabe walks away with tears falling down his pale face. Is he ok? I begin to wonder why he is so upset, but then it hits me. What if him and Clementine were together? There's only one way to find out.


Clems pov

Louis and I had been lying down on the comfortable leather sofa by the fireplace cuddling and laughing for hours.

"When I was younger, I had a turtle called Geoff." Louis says goofily.

I love it when he talks about his past with me, it makes me feel even closer to him... if that's even possible.

"You did?" I giggle.

He nods and smiles at me with his cute face. I peck him on the lips playfully and he smiles.

"What was Geoff like?" I ask, generally interested in what the answer could be. 

"He didn't do much. He just sat around eating all day." He giggles.

"Hmm... That sounds familiar." I tease.

"Hey! I do not sit around eating all day!" He says in a jokey voice.

I nudge him playfully. Suddenly, he tickles my sides and I laugh loudly.

"S-stop!" I laugh, struggling to get my words out.

He doesn't stop, so I push him off of my body and sit on top of his. We are both panting and our hair is ruffled up. I feel his chest moving up and down from underneath me and I find it very attractive. My lips crash against his and it is much more heated than I anticipated. He picks me up, with my legs wrapped around his waist, and carries me over to the bed, my lips still glued to his. My body hits the bed and I groan is he crawls up my hungry body.

Ruby's pov

"What's up with him?" I ask, trying not to sound rude.

"I don't know... I've never seen him act like that before." Molly says with a worried expression.

Aasim walks over to me and smiles softly. He places a gentle kiss on my lips and wraps his hand around my back.

"Promise me that you'll be careful when you leave." He begs.

"Of course I will." I say kindly.

I look up at the darkening sky, and smile. I've always loved the way the night sky looks at night.

"It's getting dark, let's go to bed." I say.

Aasim nods and we walk into our small cabin holding hands. We cuddle up in the warm bed holding onto each other whilst we sleep.

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