Chapter 40

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"Clementine!" Paul screams and runs into the room that me and Louis are in.

Me and Louis' heads turn around extremely quickly. Paul's face was covered with sweat. Oh god... Is it something to do with Lilly?

"What?" I ask, clearly confused.

"Oh- I just wanted to say that food is ready." He pants.

"Oh my god... you scared me!" I hiss.

Was that really necessary? I rest my head back on Louis' shoulder and sigh loudly. His warm hand wraps around my back and I smile at the comforting sensation. We almost forget that Paul was in the room with us for a moment. Oops.

"We will be there soon." Louis says softly. His soothing voice vibrates against my ear and I find it weirdly comforting.

"Ok. I'll leave you guys to it." Paul says, and walks out of the room.

(Play song that is at the top^) I look up at Louis' adorable face and notice that he is smiling. I place a meaningful kiss on his lips, then rest my head back on his shoulder. His fingers begin to play a beautiful tune on the piano effortlessly. I could sit here all day listening to him. My heavy eyes begin to flutter shut but quickly open when he stops playing.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask.

"Have you ever danced with someone before?" Louis says softly, his warm breath hitting my skin.

I shake my head side to side. No, I've never had the time to dance with someone and I've never thought about it before. I imagine myself dancing and it's a horrible image.

"I'm a terrible dancer..." I giggle.

"You don't know that." He smiles.

He takes my hand and leads me onto an open space. His fingers entwine with mine slowly and he twirls me around. I can't help but giggle at his cuteness.

"Lou, you're too cute." I smile with a small blush on my cheeks.

My hands wrap around his broad shoulders and his hands rest on my waist. We sway to the non existent music, but we don't care. It feels so good to be holding onto him like this after all that has happened lately. My mind begins to calm and my heartbeat starts to become steady. This is the first time I have felt what it's like to be peaceful in years... I love it.

"This is nice." I say softly with a smile on my flushed face.

"It is." He smiles back, his eyes full of love.

"I want to go home..." I say quietly, with my head tilted down at the dusty floor.

It's so selfish for me to say that, I know how much that place meant to Louis and for me to bring that up is mean.

"Me too. We will go home eventually." He brings my head back up with his finger and kisses my lips softly.

"I love it when you do that." I giggle.

He smiles softly and places a small kiss on my forehead. Then, I remember that we were supposed to join everyone for dinner an hour ago. Shit... Louis' gentle kiss moves down to my neck and I completely forget about dinner.

"Lou..." I say breathlessly.

He pulls away and stops what he is doing. It feels wrong enjoying myself whilst my daughter is lost in the woods with a psycho. Daughter, daughter, daughter. It feels weird saying that word.

"Am I doing something wrong?" He apologises.

I look down at the floor. I wanted to say yes badly but that would be too mean. I want him.
I want him more than anything. But right now is not the time.

"I- I just..." I stutter, unable to find the right words.

"It's ok." He buts in. "You don't need to explain, I already understand." He smiles.


Ruby's pov

I sit around the large oak table with everyone in the group except for Clem and Louis. I really hope they're ok... The only person keeping the conversation alive is that man that looks like Jesus.

I look down at my plate of food and don't feel the urge to eat. Everyone in the group seems to be the same. Their pale faces had depression written all over them and I'm guessing mine did too. I saw Clem's face when Lilly took her baby and it was painful. I remember how her once happy face turned empty and emotionless. I tried to help, I really did... But I guess that wasn't enough.

"I'm fed up of just sitting around." I blurt out.

Everyone's faces look up with me and they all nod in agreement.

"You're right..." Aasim smiles.

"Yeah, we need to find her baby and get her back to Clem and Louis." Violet adds.

"It's too dangerous..." Omar interrupts.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Violet yells. "She has done so much for us. So why can't we do this one thing for her?" She rages.

Omar goes silent and tilts his head down at the floor. He sighs before lifting his head back up.

"You're right." He sighs.

Violet seems proud of herself for persuading Omar.

"We need to bring some of the people from this place to help us out because we aren't strong enough." Assim says.

Everyone nods in agreement. Hopefully we can get little Luna back by this week because I hate seeing Clementine like this.

"I have some great people that can help you guys out..." Paul says.

"Who?" We all say at the exact same time.

"Ava, Gabe and Molly." He replies.

Thank you for reading chapter 40! Yes, I decided to bring Gabe back for the tea 😂. I'm really sorry lmao. I also brought back Ava because she was Clems friend and I brought back molly because she's a fricking queen who deserves more credit. Give this chapter a vote :)

(If you are unhappy with the characters I'm bringing back please say now)

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