Chapter 21

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"I love you too." Louis says softly.

I rub my nose against his and we both giggle. Suddenly, an overwhelming feeling of sickness over comes me.

"I need to throw up." I gag.

I run to the bin and throw up. Louis chases after me and holds back my hair. After I had finished, I wipe my mouth and groan.

"You ok?" He asks.

"Yeah, just a little dizzy that's all." I smile.

He helps me up and leads me over to the bed. I climb in and he tucks me In before kissing my forehead.

"If you need anything, just call for me."

I didn't want him to leave, but I need to rest. Suddenly, my stomach begins to rumble and Louis giggles.

"I'm guessing you're hungry." He laughs.

"I'm starving." I moan.

"I'll find you some food." He smiles.

"Thanks." I smile.

He walks out of the room and I take this time to have a small nap.

Louis' pov
I walk to the kitchen and search the cupboards for some food for Clem. As I am opening the cupboards, I notice that there is pasta. I grab the pasta and begin cooking it. I've never cooked before, but this is easier than I thought it would be. Once I had finished cooking, I put it in a bowl and carry it back to the room where me and Clem are staying. She is sleeping like an angel and I don't want to disturb her. So, I grab a pen and a piece of paper and write a note for her that will make her smile when she wakes up.

Sorry for the short chapter. It's really late and I have to go somewhere with family tomorrow morning :). The next chapter will be longer to make up for this short one. Please give this chapter a vote.

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