Chapter 50

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After I hear the words escape her lips, I sprint downstairs and tell AJ and Luna to stay put until I tell them It's okay to come down. I know I probably shouldn't leave them by themselves after what just happened, but I need to see if Louis is okay, and if he's in a bad state it will be horrible for them to see Louis like that.

"Whats wrong? Is he okay?" I cry, following her into the living room. My heart was racing so fast, this can't be good for the baby or myself. Actually, I'm not even sure if I'm pregnant yet so I should probably stop getting my hopes up.

"He is okay now, he's just lost a lot of blood and we thought we lost him at one point, but he's strong." She smiles and I lean down next to him. He was resting on the sofa without a shirt on, so  I wrap a blanket over him so he wouldn't be cold because it's the winter.

"Are they okay?" He asks in a weak voice, and I hold onto his hand that seemed to be much warmer than it was before. It's adorable how he only cares about the kids and not himself right now. 

I tell Louis everything Luna and AJ told me, and how traumatised they were after it all happened. I said that I was worried about the mental damage it had caused them, especially Luna because she's so young and fragile unlike AJ. AJ knows how to handle himself, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have moments of weakness like Luna.

"What about you? Are you okay?" Louis softly asks and I shake my head side to side. I'm not sure if I'm just being paranoid, but I think there's something wrong with me. I feel so on edge an anxious right now which is not a nice feeling at all.

"I don't know," I choke. "I guess I'm just on edge right now." I sigh, shifting uncomfortably. 

"If I wasn't such a dumb ass and just stayed home, then none of this would've happened. I'm sorry Clem." I sit down on the sofa with him and he moves and uses my lap as a pillow. I play with his hair, and an adorable smile appears on his freckled face. In this moment, I realised how in love I truly am with him and it calms my nerves almost completely. 

"Mummy." Luna shyly says and totters over to Louis and I quickly. "Is daddy okay?" She sounded so concerned for him. I couldn't help but notice how much she acted and looked Louis in every way. 

"I'm okay, little one." Louis says and Luna claps her hands together excitedly. 

"Clem." AJ comes over to us and hugs everyone tightly. "You're looking better." He looks at Louis and Louis smiles at him. I'm so glad Louis is somewhat okay after getting shot, I just hope that there is no long term damage.

"I feel much better." Louis says and I continue playing with his hair. 

"Will the bad man come back?" Luna squeaks, her voice filled with fear. No child her age should have to deal with things like this, its not fair. "He tried to hurt us." She cries, and I pull her close. I brush her curly hair with my fingertips and wipe the tears from her hazel eyes. 

"He won't come back, ever." I say, hoping that I was right. Im just as scared as Luna and AJ, but I have to act like I'm not scared so they'll feel better. "Tomorrow we will move back to the school, they won't find us there." 

"I don't remember the school, mummy." Luna says and my heart warms. Luna was just a baby when she lived in the school, and Louis and I were just teenagers. Now everything is so different compared to how it used to be. We've all grown so much.

"You were just a baby, Luna." I say cuddling onto her. "And AJ you were just a little boy, look at you now." I proudly say and he looks flattered.

"I met your mummy there." Louis says and Luna claps her hands together excitedly. "We made-"

"Nope! Don't finish that sentence." I laugh, covering his mouth with my hand so he couldn't talk. AJ is trying to hide his laughter, and Luna is confused. 

"Will we come back here?" AJ asks, his eyes filled with hope.

"We will. But it will be safer for everyone back in the school." Louis says. "My piano is there too, and Clementine and I wrote our initials on it before we were together." He smiles and my heart melts again. That school holds so many good memories.

"I'm getting tired." AJ yawns and we all nod in agreement. 

"Lets all get to bed." Louis says, sitting up slowly. I was surprised he could even sit up after getting shot. I help him stand up and he puts his arm around my shoulder for support. Then we all walk upstairs to our bedrooms.

I gently put Louis on the bed and the kids go to their room by themselves. Louis looked like he was in so much pain, but he wouldn't complain about it at all. 

"Come here." He says, and I shuffle closer to him. I felt like I was on the edge of tears, so I look away from him. The last thing I want is for him to worry about me right now. "Are you okay? Wait- that was a stupid question..." He says in his goofy voice and I laugh, a couple tears falling down my cheeks.

"I just- fuck..." I cry, and cover my face with my hands. He pulls me close to his chest and I dig my face into his neck whilst he plays with my hair. "I was so afraid- I- I thought I was going to loose you." I sob.

"You're never gonna loose me." He whispers. I remember when we first met and how shy we were around one another. I also remembered our first kiss and how in love I felt afterwards.

"You promise?" I put my pinkie finger out.

"I promise." He links his pinkie finger with mine and I smile.


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