Chapter 44

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I mount the horse after Louis and wrap my arms around his waist so I won't fall off.

"Louis do you know how to ride a horse?" I say anxiously. He flips his head around and nods quickly.

"Of course I do!" He says. I furrow my eyebrows at him because he didn't sound too persuasive. "Ok... Maybe not." He admits.

"Oh." I panic. "You want me to ride it for you?" I ask, not realising how wrong that sounded.

"Yeah. I mean, you are good at that." He winks.

"Shut up Lou!" I whisper. He smirks mockingly and I can't help but let out a nervous laugh.

"What? I was talking about the horse..." He says in an innocent voice.

"Sure you were." I roll my eyes and swap places with him so I was now at the front of the horse. Everyone waits for us impatiently with a frown upon their faces. I get that me and Louis are messing around a bit, but they could at least lighten up. I feel Louis' hands wrap around my waist tightly and I find it extremely comforting.

"Everyone ready to go?" Ruby says strictly.

Everybody nods and we all gallop out of the community and into the dark woods. Flashbacks of when Lilly came and took Luna off me come flooding back and I just want to punch that ugly bi-

"Are you ok?" Louis says quietly into my ear. I realise that he must've seen my hands tightening on the reigns.

"Yeah I'm fine." I sigh. I look at my quiet surroundings and try to calm myself down. Everything is going to be fine... Just breath.

"We're going to be ok." He says softly. His gentle voice vibrating against my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"I just can't stop thinking about her." I say quietly.

"Me n-neither." Louis replies. I hear his voice crack and his words stumble. Is he going to cry?

"I love you." He whispers into my ear, causing a small smile to appear on my face.

"I lo..."

"We should leave the horses here and walk the rest. It's not much further now." Gabe says loudly. Of course Gabe would want to interrupt me from saying 'I love you' to my boyfriend. So fucking annoying.

"Yeah. Good idea." Violet agrees.

We all dismount our horses and begin walking  deeper into the forest. We're close to Lilly's group, I can't just feel it and I don't like it one bit.

Sorry for short chapter. School has started up again and I'm pretty preoccupied lately. Give this chapter a vote :).

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