Chapter 45

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Louis dismounts the horse before me and then he helps me get down afterwards. I try to contain my nerves but it didn't seem to work. Louis takes my hand and kisses my forehead gently.

"I'm usually the nervous one." He jokes and I giggle lightly. He moves my messy hair from my face and smiles at me. We both forget that other people were around us for a second. We always do when we're together.

"Come on you guys!" Ava shouts and Louis grabs my hand and starts walking off, pulling me behind him. I link my arm with him with one arm and hold my gun in the other. We can do this.

"I can see something." Violet says quietly and signals us to look. There is a huge boat that looked as if it had exploded recently. My nerves kick in and I squeeze Louis' arm tightly, causing him to flinch. What if Lilly was on that boat with my baby?

"Anyone got any binoculars?" Violet asks and Ruby hands her some. When she looks through them, her lips part slightly.

"What is it?" I ask and she flips herself around to face us all.

"There's people down there." She says and my heart rate quickens.

"Who? Let me take a look." Violet passes me the binoculars and I look through them. I see a tall muscly man holding his hand over his stomach, a young woman who I couldn't make out but it could possibly be Lilly and a couple dead people lying around.

"I can't see her." I sigh. "But there's a lot of people down there. Most of them are dead." I panic and massage my temples with my clammy hands. Everybody stays silent which was weird.

"...Clem." Ava panics and I turn around to see Lilly pointing a gun at the back of my head.

"Get the hell away from her!" Louis growls between his teeth and Lilly just smiles creepily.

"I must say, you do look a lot like your daughter." I would usually take that as a compliment but not from her.

"Where is she?" He snaps.

"In a better place with food and water." She smirks and I want to punch her in the nose more than anything. That's my baby, not hers.

"Baby's don't drink water, retard." Violet snaps and Lilly pushes the gun further against my head.

"I'm aware." She growls.

"...You can take me, just give her back." I bravely say and everyone shakes there head in disagreement.

"Don't let her win that easily! That's selfish." Violet hisses and I look to Lilly, who now has a sickening grin upon her face.

"Tell me where the fuck she is!" Louis screams and shoves her hard. Oh god, I really hope Lilly doesn't hurt him.

Sorry for short chapter! Next one will be longer. Give this chapter a vote :)

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