Chapter 28

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I know that what I'm about to do it risky, but I need to know if Louis is ok. I creep out of my room as quietly as I can until I get outside. Luckily, everyone's asleep so they don't know that I am sneaking away. As I am tiptoeing further away from the building a quiet voice calls my name.

"Clementine. What are you doing?" James whispers.

"Don't tell anyone James, please I beg you. I'm going to search for Louis." I whisper.

"But you're so... pregnant." He says as he looks at my large stomach.

"Come on James. I'm not that far along." I moan.

"Fine, go. Just be careful." He says.

"I will." I say.

I run into the woods and hold my gun out in front of me. It doesn't take long for me to run out of breath. I think I underestimated how pregnant I actually am. I fight through the pain for hours until I finally give up. I collapse onto the grassy floor in the middle of this dark forest. I can't give up, not now. I keep walking until a see a familiar gate with the word 'Ericsson' on it. I run towards it and walk through the gate. The place was a mess and it made me sad. Louis has got to be here somewhere.

"Louis!" I yell.

There was no reply for a moment, just the sound of the leaves blowing in the wind could be heard. To my surprise, I hear the footsteps of Rosie coming towards me.

"Rosie." I whisper.

She seems to be less hype than usual. What's going on?

"Wheres louis?" I ask.

I don't know why I'm asking a dog, it's not like she's gonna reply or anything. Rosie nudges my stomach and licks it. I must of not seen her in a long time.

"Louis!" I shout again.

Rosie notices my cry and nudges me again, so I follow her. She leads me into the dark, quiet school. I begin to have flashbacks to when me and Louis first kissed. This place holds so many memories. She leads me into Louis' old bedroom and I see him lying on the bed. At first I thought he was sleeping, but as I got closer I screamed.

Sorry for the short chapter, I just really wanted to leave it on a cliff hanger. I'm evil lol. Please give this chapter a vote :).

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