Chapter 47- After it all, modern AU.

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Set 5 years into the future.
I sit on the soft sofa in the coffee shop, sipping on the iced latte Louis made me. He works at a coffee shop now because there's not many people left after the apocalypse. he seems to enjoy it and it pays well. I plan on working here soon but I have to look after the kids.

Luna is now 5 years old and AJ is 13 but he wanted to stay home because he's an awkward teenager. Despite his annoying mood swings, I still love him just the same. If not even more.

"Mummy?" My little girl says, her perfect brown eyes blinking at me. God, she reminds me so much of Louis.

"What is it?" I say in a squeaky voice and she smiles. I fix her hair up and it looked very similar to how mine looked when I was her age.

"When can I have a baby brother or sister?" Her eyes widen and I am unsure of how to answer her question. She has AJ, isn't that enough? I move the straggly hair from her face. "AJ just sits in his room all day and draws. He is a very good drawer but I wish he would play games with me."

I think about it for a moment. Luna's birth was the worst pain I have ever felt, but in the end I got my precious daughter that I love more than anything in the world. "Is that what you really want?" I say and she claps her hands together and jumps up and down on my lap. Louis walks over to us with his adorable uniform on and I smile.

"Daddy! Daddy!" She says and I giggle at her cuteness. "Mummy is gonna have a baby brother or sister!" She says and I watch Louis face turn white. A small smile is on his face and he seems happy, I feel bad though because I'm not pregnant.

"Clem." He smiles and kisses my forehead. "Are you-"

"No, I'm not. Luna wants us to have another baby." I smile and he smiles with me. Everyone in the café had gone home except for a couple at the back of the room. It must've been about 6pm which is late for a 5 year old to stay up.

"We should get going." Louis smiles and takes my hand. I take Luna's and we all walk out of the shop and into our land rover. It wasn't in the best of shape but it was one of the best cars we could get.

I drive us all home whilst Louis holds a sleeping Luna in his arms.

"I love you. You know that right?" Louis says quietly so he doesn't wake her up. I blush and smile like it was the very first time.

"I love you too." I chuckle but I had to keep my eyes on the road. I love this man.

When we arrive back home, Louis and I both tuck Luna into her bed before getting into bed ourselves. I wear one of his black T-shirt's that smelt just like him with nothing but my underwear on underneath. I dig my head into the crevice of his neck, feeling his steady heartbeat against my hand rested on his chest.

"-About what Luna said..." He whispers quietly and I feel his voice vibrate which was oddly comforting. "I would be more than happy to have another baby as long as you are. The apocalypse has settled down and it's safer." He says and I chuckle.

"You would?" I say, almost surprised with his answer. He smoothes down my hair and I close my eyes to enjoy the feeling.

"Of course I would. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." My heart skips a beat when he says the adorable words. He wants to marry me. Imagining myself getting old with him has always been a dream of mine since the very first time we kissed. I just knew we were meant for each other.

"Don't say that, you're gonna make me cry!" I try to stop the tears from falling but it fails terribly. He wipes them away and giggles at me.

"Don't cry baby! You seem to be doing that a lot recently. Is everything ok?" He asks, trying to stop himself from giggling at me.

"I- I just love you so fucking much and I... I want to marry you." I start crying like a baby in front of him and I can't stop. I don't know why talking about our love makes me so emotional. "I'm sorry I just-"

"You don't have to apologise. I will gladly marry you." He says and I kiss his soft lips. I slide my tongue in and I taste the sweet taste of coffee. I sit on his torso and continue to kiss him.

"You would do that for me?" I stop kissing him and look up into his darkened eyes, batting my eyelashes.

"I would do absolutely anything for you." He says and I press my lips against his again, adding a small moan this time. I feel his boxers tighten whilst he fondles through his bedside cabinet for a condom.

"We don't need that... I mean, if it's ok with you." A small smile appears on his face and he throws it onto the floor along with all of our clothes which we were desperately tearing off.

"You awake baby." Louis says softly, stretching his arms and legs out. I was lying completely naked next to him and I felt like heaven.

"Yeah." I yawn and practically lie on his body. I can't believe that we actually did that last night and I can't believe that I could possibly have another baby. It will take a little while to figure out wether I am or not, but it's worth the wait. "I don't wanna get up." I moan and he chuckles.

"You don't have to. AJ is playing football with his friends and Luna is playing on the piano." I can't believe how lucky I am to have a caring boyfriend like him.

"God, you're so good to me." I say, pinching his freckled cheeks in my hands.

"You deserve it after what you did for me on that boat. Nothing could ever thank you enough for how you practically died for everyone." I remember how close I was to death that day. Blood was pouring from my mouth, I stopped breathing and I saw lee. So I technically died for a little while, but I came back. It's like my heart started beating again when I saw the love of my life holding our baby safely in his arms.

He rubs his finger over the scar on the side of my face that was created after my head was smashed against a plank of wood. I am honestly surprised how I am still alive. It's a miracle.

"Enough of that. How are you feeling?" He asks and I sit up, using the bedsheets to cover my naked body. I examine how I feel and I just feel relaxed after last night. No sickness, no headaches and no throwing up. At least not yet anyways.

"I feel really good." I grab his shirt and my underwear from off the floor and put it over my naked body.

"That's good to hear." He says softly and kisses my forehead. "I'll be in the piano room. Call me if you need me." I nod and he walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Next chapter will be out soon. I hope you enjoyed this modern AU because I definitely did. The part when Clem was crying and saying how she wants to marry Louis made me cry as well. Also, there could be another addition to their little family!
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