Chapter 27

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Should I make these chapters longer or should I keep them the same length? I'll make this one longer and see if you guys like it. Also, comment name suggestions for the baby. Enjoy this chapter and don't forget to give it a vote :).

My heart is throbbing and I can't stop the tears from falling. I think I might be having a panic attack, this can't be good for the baby. Violet hugs me tighter and Ruby joins in to make a group hug. Having people that I love dearly hug me tightly was making me feel better but I needed Louis.

"Louis will be fine, he's a strong guy." Ruby says in a high pitched tone.

I kept expecting Louis to come around the corner and hug me, but he's gone. God, I hope he comes back. But the thought of me loosing him drives me insane.

"What if he..."

"No. Louis won't die, don't say that." Violet says strictly.

"You need to try and calm down, this can't be good for the baby." Ruby panics.

I place my hand over my growing stomach and feel a twitchy feeling. I jump and the girls look at me and then to my stomach.

"The baby is kicking." I smile.

My tears begin to dry when Ruby and Violet bend down and place their hands on my stomach. I can't stop thinking about Louis talking to our baby. Images of the way his goofy face lit up the first time he saw the baby kick cloud my mind. The baby stops kicking and violet and Ruby stand back up.

"I heard that babies can sense when their mother is upset." Ruby says sweetly.

A tear forms in my eye when I hear her say that. I'm glad that me and Ruby are ok after she... shot me. I stop crying and take a deep breath. 'Louis will be fine' I keep saying to myself.

"I know something that will make you feel better." Ruby smiles and grabs my hand.

Violet follows after us. She leads me into the kitchen and hands me a chocolate bar. My face lights up and I bring Ruby in to a warm hug. The baby bump gets in the way slightly, but it's not that big yet.

"Thank you Ruby. I really appreciate it." I smile.

I take a bite out of it and groan at how good it Was. But it wasn't as good as when Louis... ugh never mind. I need to stop comparing everything to Louis. I finish eating the chocolate bar and wipe my mouth. I look over at Ruby, who was leaning her body on the counter. She looks upset.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I could of had a chance with Aasim you know. But I screwed it up like I screw everything up. Now he hates me." She cries.

"He doesn't hate you. When you were gone, he said that he missed you." I say.

"He did?" He head shoots up and a smile emerges on her face.

I nod and lick my fingers off because they had chocolate all over them.

"Violet. How are you and Minnie?" I ask.

"We're not as close as we used to be but we're getting closer..." She says awkwardly.

"Closer?" I tease.

"Yes closer." She says arrogantly.

"I miss Louis." I sigh.

"I miss Aasim." Ruby sighs.

We all stay together until it's very late and I am to tired to function. Ruby and violet hug me before I go off into the bedroom and get ready for bed. I half expected Louis to come up from behind me and kiss me, but he's not here. I feel myself tearing up again. Not agin please. I slide myself into the warm bed and try to get comfortable but my back was killing me. I wish Louis would make me feel better. Suddenly, the baby kicks again. This baby kicks a lot.

"I miss daddy too baby." I cry. "Daddy was supposed to be back hours ago, but he's not here." I cry even harder when I think about all the things that could of happened to him.

What if he's out in the cold and he can't find his way back? I can't sleep, I need to find him. I get out of my warm bed and gab my gun, placing it in my back pocket. I can do this.

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