Ch 3: first flight

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my mind wonder around for a bit as I breathed a bit heavily and tried to calm my adrenaline for a second to contemplate everything. Soon the defeat of alduin will be close and once he is gone I will be here in skyrim, maybe a hero or barely recognized as a hero. whiterun though will rejoice in my accomplishment since I lived here myself for quite some time. Though their is the other chance where I won't be able to defeat him and then the chance of dying after his defeat if my injuries get the best of me. I had to say I was terrified, but also ready for this at the same time.

I didn't want this world to end as much as the next person, though what will become of me once this is all finished. Will I finally be able to seattle down and start my own family or devote myself into exploring the world seeing how their is still much to learn about the past and ruins of skyrim. To think I am the only one able to defeat him because I am dragonborn and can truly finish him by devouring his soul. This had to end either way, but now that I begin to think about it. What will I gain from killing alduin, he obviously wasn't using his full power when we fought on the throat of the world, but why?

I placed the ebony battle axe back on my back with a last sigh as I stared up at the dragon that was now trapped under the pillar made for it. Once I managed to get a better look I realized how beautiful the dragon, odahviing really was. The top of his head and going down his spine was a blood red color while the bottom, which was his stomach scales, was a sky blue with his wings being blue with small red. I never seen such a color on the dragon before, but the colors where gorgeous together as his scales mostly consisted ruby red.

"horvutah med kodaav, Caught like a bear in a trap,"odahviing said to himself and looked up to me as balgruuf and his housecarl where away with their swords drawn."Zok frini grind ka grah drun viiki, Dovahkiin."

I titled my head a bit, still in the process of learning dovah language and I never heard that sentence before. odahviing notices with my curious look.

"Ah, I forget. You do not have the dovah speech,"he moved slightly in the trap."My...eagerness to meet you in battle was my...undoing, Dovahkiin. I salute your, hmm, low cunning in devising such a grahmindol- strategem. zu'u bonaar. You went to a great deal of trouble to put me in this...humiliating position. Hind siive alduin, hmm? no doubt you want to know where to find alduin?"

I nodded,"right, so where his he hiding now?"

"Rinik vozah."He said growing agitated."An opt phrase. alduin bovul. One reason I came to your call was to test your thu'um for myself. Among ourselves, of course. mu ni meyye. none were yet ready to openly defy him."

"I've already been told this,"I folded my arms."I knew you wouldn't resist an opportunity like this, given your instincts, but I really need to know where alduin is."

"Unslaad krosis. Innumerable pardons. I digress,"He apologized with sincerely."He has traveled to sovngarder to regain his strength, devouring the sillesejoot...the souls of the mortal dead. his door to sovngarde is at skuldafn, one of his ancient fanes high in the eastern mountains. mindoraan, pah ok middovahhe lahvraan til. I surely do not need to warn you that all his remaining strength is marshalled there. zu'u lost ofan hin laan... now that I have answered your question, you will allow me to go free?"

I thought for a moment looking at how risky that might be.

"Hmm, I don't know,"I said with doubt."...What if you served me."

I looked up as he looked taken a back by my suggestion.

"Aam? Serve you?"he said with disbelieve.", ni tiid, but if and when you defeat alduin, then I will reconsider."

I nodded understanding his reasons.

"hmm...krosis. There is one...detail about skuldafn I neglected to mention,"he said.

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