Chapter 2

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Kiran's POV

"Well, look what we have here."

I refused to meet his gaze, but I knew that spiteful voice all to well for my own liking:
Oh Sangwoo and his "gang".

I wouldn't say he's exactly popular, though I think well-known is a better description. From the way I see it, no one likes him, the exception being his one-night stands, of course.

"Nice to see you too, Sangwoo... I guess."

He was currently holding my book, waiting for me to jump up and make a fool out of myself while trying to get it back. But I was in no mood to entertain him at all. Counting the number of times he's taken it, he's never actually opened it—much to my relief—and spends more time threatening to. This guy's bark is much worse than his bite.

"So, what have you been up to, faggot?"

"Sangwoo, just shut up and give me the book, okay? I'm not in the mood for you and your stupid games."

His expression darkened slightly and he smirked.

"Watch how you talk to me, girlie."

Girlie. That very word pulled me up short, making me stand up the moment he opened the book.

"I am not a girl...!"

"Oh really? I beg to differ," he sneered, looking at me with nothing but pure disgust and hate before flipping through the pages of my book. With every page he flipped, he facial expression turned more and more disgusted.

"Flowers? Sakura? And a picture of your boyfriend? How pathetic are you?"

I clenched my hands into fists and attempted to grab my book from him.

"Ace is not my boyfriend!" At the same moment I screamed, I got pushed back into the tree by one of his 'friends'. I had no time to run away, because Sangwoo had suddenly dropped my book and grabbed the front of my sweater.

I tried prying his hands of my sweater, but it only caused him to lift me from my feet.

"Put me down!"

"I thought I told you to watch how you talk to me. Man, you really are a dumb faggot, aren't you?"

"Sangwoo, what the fuck are you doing?" A deep voice rang through my ears. I shifted my head slightly to find Hunter standing behind Sangwoo with his arms crossed and an unamused expression lingered on his features.

"What does it look like I'm doing, Hunter? This little bitch here doesn't know how to respect me."

Hunter rose an eyebrow and sighed audibly. "Put him down and leave."

Sangwoo looked at him, confused, but decided not to fight him. He dropped me down, literally. I ended up falling against the tree, slightly hitting my head, earning a few irritating snickers from Sangwoo's friends before they finally left me alone. Idiots...

Hunter sighed again and looked at me, walking in my direction.

"You okay?" he asked, holding a hand out for me to take. I looked at him, then his hand, before hesitantly taking it and getting up. I looked away from him, refusing to make eye contact.

"Yeah... I'm fine... Thank you..." I said softly. Okay, what is my problem? Why am I feeling shy?

"No problem. If he causes you any problems, just come and find me."

I don't believe it. Hunter Kim, the number one heartthrob of the entire school, is actually being considerate?

"Uh... Okay..." was all I could say before he nodded and left. Suddenly, Ace came running up to me in a hurry.

"Kiran! Are you okay? Did he talk to you?! What did he say?! If he threatened you I swear—"

"Jesus, Ace, calm down! He didn't threaten me or anything, okay? He just helped me out," I said, making Hoseok scoff and laugh slightly.

"Ha! Yeah, right. Real funny, Kay. Hunter Kim, the famous fuckboy, actually helped you with something?"

I gave him a look and he instantly got the hint; I was telling him the truth.

"Then what actually happened?"

"Sangwoo and his mindless minions happened. They saw what was in my book."

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Oh, Kiran. I knew something would happen if I left you alone..."
"Ace, don't worry about it. I can deal with it just fine by myself."

I really hope I'm not lying to him or myself...


"Kiran Frost, Hunter Kim, may I see you two for a moment?"

I looked up in surprise and looked at Hunter. We waited for the rest of the class to leave before walking to our teacher, Mr. Ackerman.

"Hunter, these results are not up to your potential. What's happening with you?"

Hunter just shrugged, not bothering to give any answer. Mr. Ackerman just sighed and shook his head.

"Alright then. If these results don't improve soon, then you'll have to retake the entire class."

That caught his attention fast. His eyes widened and his head whipped to the teacher.

"Yeah, that's not happening at all. My parents would kill me if they knew about all this..!"

"Uh... Excuse me, sir... But why have you called me?" I asked softly.

Both of them turned to me as if they just remembered that I was there with them.

"Ah yes, Kiran. Since he doesn't seem to be improving much in his Math results, I need you to tutor him for a while, seeing as though your Math results are excellent."

I felt Taehyung's eyes on me and I looked down, suddenly feeling shy.

"Kiran, I'm counting on you to help Hunter improve his marks, okay?"

I nodded and he dismissed us. I wasn't in the mood for talking, but I felt someone grab my arm. I turned to Hunter.

"Sorry, but I just wanna know when we're starting, or whatever..." He mumbled under his breath. So he actually does care about his grades...

"Uh... Maybe... Next Tuesday...?"

"Your place or mine..?"

My eyes widened at the thought of Hunter coming to my house. There is no way I can let him in there; my mother would kill him and me.

"Um... Can we go to your place?"

He shrugged and nodded before walking away, not even sparing me a second glance. I'm just glad he agreed to meet at his house instead of mine. My mom would probably curse at me in front of him, then I might as well be dead.

I walked out the school doors just as Ace met up with me.

"What's up?" he asked, falling into step beside me.

"Guess who's gonna be Hunter Kim's tutor?" I said with 'excitement' in my voice.

"Ouch, that sucks..."

We began walking together towards my house. Ace always walks me home; he always worries about me getting hurt ever since he knew I wasn't normal.

As I walk up to my doorstep, Ace stops me quickly.

"Kay, are you gonna be okay...?" he asked, not wanting to complete the sentence, though I knew what he was talking about.

"A, I'll be just fine. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" I said, smiling, trying to hide my sadness. I didn't want to go home, but I had no choice.

Hoseok just nods hesitantly and smiles back, waving as he disappears down the street. I turned to the door. Taking a deep breath before stepping into the hell hole I call home.

The moment I entered, the very first words I hear from the devil herself are, "Where the fuck have you been, Kiera Frost?!"


Sorry for the horrible chapter, but I promise it will get better 😁

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