Chapter 20

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Flashback (yes, another one. Because why not? Note that this happened two years before Kiran's incident)

Author's POV

Hunter and Sangwoo were the power couple of the school. Sure, some people were homophobic pricks, but they didn't care. Besides, they were just happy being with each other. Those two have been together for a long time and no one thought that anything would ever break them up...

Oh how wrong they were.

You see, Hunter has been very unsure of himself even before he started dating Sangwoo. His parents were completely against homosexuality and he was at that age where he began to question many things, one of the main things being his sexuality. His first crush on a guy became a big worry for him; he didn't want to disappoint his parents. But he took the risk; he timidly, and fearfully, confessed his feelings to Sangwoo, who was his close friend at the time, only to find that Sangwoo returned his feelings. That's how their relationship began.

It was beautiful and amazing to begin with. As time went on, it just got better and better. However, despite all the happy moments they had together, Hunter was uneasy and anxious... Later on in their relationship, he began to notice his boyfriend's strange behavior; he kept arriving late for dates, sports practices, etc. And lately, he seemed to be hanging out a lot more with his friends than Hunter. It gave Hunter some bad feelings and negative thoughts.

The first day he confronted Sangwoo, Sangwoo gave him some slight comfort. "Hunty, don't think like that. They're just my friends. They won't ever take you away from me."

Hunter looked directly into his eyes and replied, "But what if they do? Don't you remember? The two of us started off as best friends too..."

"But I don't love them like I love you. I care about you more than anyone else. Don't ever think otherwise, baby, okay? I promise, I won't ever leave you. I love you."

"I love you too."

Things got slightly better for a few days before Sangwoo's behavior changed again. And no matter how many times Hunter confronted Sangwoo, the response was always the same: "I love you, I promise I won't ever leave you, okay?" which only gave Hunter a slight bit of reassurance.

But as the days went by, Hunter found it harder and harder to believe. They didn't talk as much anymore, their conversations online had gone from being hours long, to minutes long to just a few messages and being left on read. Hunter just made up the excuse in his mind that Sangwoo was just busy, and that he wasn't purposefully leaving him on read... Was he?

The days just got worse from there. Hunter was hurting inside and he didn't want to tell anyone, not even Jaxon, Leo or Mason. He got hurt every day seeing Sangwoo and not being able to talk to him. He didn't want to tell anyone anything because he felt that he was annoying them enough already. And it seemed to him that his boyfriend could care less about what was going on. It was around this time his bulimia got worse, when he questioned his body figure, despite the fact that he was already quite fit.

He'll never forget the day his heart finally shattered after being beaten and cracked so many times by the same person that gave him so much joy.

It was just before his sports practice ended. He had to leave early because his parents were going out for a business trip and Jaxon had a group assignment to work on that day, so he had no other way to get home afterwards. He went to the locker room to fetch his stuff and tried to be quick as possible to avoid keeping Jaxon and Leo from waiting.

The sight inside broke his heart and broke him to pieces.

His so-called boyfriend was there in the locker room, making out with the same friend he's been spending more time with than anyone else. They seemed to forget that they were still in school.

Hunter felt sick and angry; angry at himself for not realizing it sooner. His eyes filled with tears, he felt dizzy and his vision began to blur. He walked back into the lockers, causing the two boys to pull away from each other and stare at him in shock.

Silence. No one moved, no one said anything. Hunter just stood there, motionless and numb. The boys in front of him didn't let go of each other, they didn't even move.

After a few seconds, Hunter found his voice, "... Why...?"

"Hunth... I'm sorry..." Sangwoo's words just broke him even more. Hunter looked directly into his eyes, trying to find any remorse in them. He found nothing but surprise. Tears rolled down Hunter's cheeks as he clenched his fists.

"No, you're not. You lied to me. I knew this would happen. You broke your promise, Sangwoo. I trusted you enough not to hurt me, which is worse than you cheating on me. It never made sense to me why you seemed happier with him than with me, and why you barely spent time with me. Now I know how you really feel. Although, I would have appreciated it if you just told me instead of lying and letting me find out for myself. So just go, get out of my life. I'm done with you."

Hunter pushed past the both of them, grabbed his stuff and left without saying anything else. The footsteps behind him made him walk faster, but Sangwoo eventually caught up to him and grabbed his arm.

"Baby, please..." Hunter slapped him.

"Don't call me that. And let me go. I'm done with you, so leave."

"Hunter, please, I'm sorry! Yes, I may have a crush on him... But it doesn't matter. I love you, I really do... Please forgive me..."

"Sangwoo. If you like him and you like me, then you'd rather choose him."

"But I love you!"

"No, you don't. Because if you really loved me, you wouldn't have fallen for him. So thank you for all the good times you've given me, but now you've ruined it. Get out of my sight and my life."

Sangwoo said nothing. He just stood there in slight shock. Hunter just turned around and left him. The only thought that stayed in Sangwoo's mind was, "You will regret this, Hunter Kim."

Hunter rushed into his brother's car and cried his heart out to Jaxon and Leo, whose hearts ached for the boy.

Ever since that day, Hunter had never been the same happy, bubbly boy he used to be. Because of Sangwoo, he developed slight trust issues and his bulimia got even worse. He also began looking for distractions, so he began sleeping with people and using them as one night stands to let out his anger and get his mind off his broken heart. He built a wall to cage his emotions and he was afraid to be happy in fear that he'd get hurt. 

End of flashback

"Hunter? Are you okay? You seemed pretty spaced out..."

Kiran's soft, gentle voice snapped Hunter out of his thoughts. He looked at the boy standing beside his desk and smiled.

"I'm fine, Kiran. I was just thinking..."

"Well, okay. I need to check your answers if you're done."

Hunter handed him the paper and watched as Kiran sat on the bed, putting his glasses on. He admired how beautiful and perfect the boy was to him and his heart skipped a beat. He fell harder and harder for Kiran each day. He took a risk to begin dating Kiran, but he figured it was worth it, because he truly cared about Kiran and couldn't bare the thought of losing him.

He made his way to the bed and sat down beside Kiran, taking his hand.

"Kiran... Can you promise me something?"

"Sure Hunter . What is it?"

"Kiran... I want you to promise me that you will never leave me... But if you do... I want you to tell me..."

"Hunter, you know I could never leave you."

"I know... But can you please promise me that?"

Kiran smiled and leaned forward to kiss Hunter's forehead. "I promise, as long as you promise me the same thing."

Hunter smiled and kissed Kiran's cheek and whispered, "I promise."

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