Chapter 10

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Kiran's POV

I sat in the car in silence, while the two brothers in front were making small conversation about something I knew nothing about. 

I was still freaking out over the fact that Hunter Kim, the school's most popular playboy, had actually hugged me. I don't get why he hugged me... I've never really liked physical contact much since... that day. 

But still... He barely hugs Mason, his best friend. This can't be because he likes me, because that's just impossible. Wait, why am I worrying about it? He was probably just really appreciative of me helping him. Yeah, that's it.

"Kiran, we're here." Jaxon voice snapped me out of my pointless thoughts. We arrived at their enormous house and I was glad that their parents weren't home. Hunter and I walked to his room and I dropped my bag. Meanwhile, Hunter was busy putting the TV on.

"Hunter... What are you doing?"

"Putting the TV on, what else?"


"Don't worry, Kiran. Just because I got that score on the pop quiz, it does not mean I think that I'm all that, okay? I just figured we should take a little break, especially you. You look like the type of guy who doesn't do anything but study all day. Do something else for a change. Let's watch some anime or something. And I'm not taking 'no' for an answer."

I opened my mouth to protest, but I stopped myself. He's right, I don't do anything but study most of the time and, when I'm not studying, I'm talking to Ace. Maybe I should take a break from studying. It is pretty tiring after all. And watching anime does sound good, seeing as though I barely have time to watch any.

(Insert French voice from SpongeBob)
A few episodes later...

"You cannot tell me they aren't kissing, okay?! Just look at that! "It's just a hug" my ass! It's so obvious that that's a kiss, fight me!" Hunter was shouting about the scene where Victor runs to Yuri and kisses him. I laughed at his passionate behaviour in response to the famous scene of Yuri on Ice, when his door suddenly opened.

"Hunter Kim, I thought you were studying." We both turned our heads to look into the cold, hard eyes of Hunter's parents. I immediately hid behind Hunter in embarrassment while he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"And I thought the 'Do not disturb' sign was clear enough to tell you not to even touch the door handle."

His parents glared at his disrespect and kept their eyes on me. I made myself small, trying to hide from their gazes that were burning with something I interpreted as disgust—something I'm used to seeing pretty much 24/7. They turned back to Hunter. "We heard that you got a 65 on your Mathematics pop quiz."

"Yeah, and?"

"Hm. For the 'smartest' child in your class, I would have thought that... that boy there would have been able to teach you something that would actually get you a good score." They moved their hard gaze to me and I felt embarrassed by their words.

Taehyung's fist clenched. "His name is Kiran, and this is a good score for me!"

"Well, it's not definitely good enough for us and you know that. Maybe if you didn't fool around like this with all those boys and girls in the school, you'd actually have a plan for once in your life."

"Get the hell out of my room..." His parents didn't move a muscle. "Now! And pay attention to the goddamn sign on my door for once in your life!" That said, his parents left, still with cold, hard gazes upon us both as they closed the door. Hunter had his head down and leaned back against the bed. I don't know why, but I felt a little stab-like feeling in my chest when I saw how upset he was. I guess I was feeling bad for him.

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