Chapter 14

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Ace's POV

The whole drive to Noah's house was silent. Both Mason and I were worried that Noah was actually sick these past few days. I really hope nothing happened to him...

We pulled up into the driveway and quickly got out of the car. Mason hurriedly knocked on the door and a girl in her early 20s and short black hair opened the door.

"Ah, Mason! And... who might this be?"

"Hi, my name is Ace Archer. I'm partnered up with Mason and Noah in a music assignment—" I introduced myself and bowed respectfully.

"He's our friend." Jeongguk said, looking right at me. I could feel his gaze and it made me blush.

"Ah, I see. Well, I'm Hanna, Noah's cousin. Now Noah being stuck in his room makes sense."

Mason and I looked at each other, confused. "So, he's not sick or anything, is he??"

"Oh no. I'm not too sure about what he's up to, but you guys can go check up on him if you want to."

Mason and I nodded and I followed Mason up to Noah's room. We came across a room with a locked door and a sign that clearly stated not to bother him. But did we care? Of course not! Without knocking, we opened the door to his room to find Noah playing the piano. However, he stopped abruptly as we entered his room, shock evident on his face.

"What part of the fucking sign did you not understand?!"

"The 'go away' part," Mason laughed arrogantly. We walked towards Noah, who was sitting at the piano.

"What were you doing, Noah? Is this our song?" I asked, referring to the sheet of paper on the piano stand.

"Uh, yeah. I was just working with the melody of the song... And I came up with a name for it..."


"Yeah. I called it, 'Heart to heart'." 

Jeongguk and I read the lyrics on the sheet music and stood there in awe. He was so talented...

"Noah, could you please play it for us? I'm sure Ace and I will love it."

Noah was about to protest, but Mason turned him to face the piano, so he had no choice but to play the song. It started and ended beautifully. His hands moved gracefully over the keys of the piano and it created a smooth, beautiful melody. I moved my gaze to look at Mason, who was staring at Noah in wonder and admiration. When Noah finished, he looked down at his lap shyly as Mason and I began clapping for him.

"That was incredible!!"

"Ah, that was embarrassing..."

"Shut up, it was amazing! You should play this as part of our assignment!"

"Ugh, do I have to?"

"Yes, and we'll make sure you do, either way."

Noah rolled his eyes at us, but I caught a faint smile apparent on his lips.

"Don't you guys have somewhere else to be?"

"Nope, dad works late, so I'll be here."

"Same, my parents work late too, so maybe we can work on this thing?"

After some time convincing Noah to let us stay, Mason began to practice singing the song while I tried to create a dance routine for it. Needless to say, I enjoyed every moment of it.

Author's POV

Flashback to earlier that day

The whole way Jaxon drove to Leo's house, Leo was silently praying that his parents' moods would be a tad bit better than last time. They pulled up to the driveway and Jaxon put his hand on his boyfriend's.

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