Chapter 8

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Kiran's POV

"Ugh, Ace, shut uuuppp..." I groaned as he continued to tease me relentlessly about Hunter. I made the horrible mistake of telling him that Hunter 'rescued' me from Sangwoo again. And now he's going on and on about it.

"Don't you see, Kiran? It's highly possible that he does like you, even just a little!"

"Ace, I've told you a thousand times already. It is not possible for someone like Hunter Kim to fall in love or even have a crush on someone, especially if that 'someone' happens to be me."

"I dunno, Kiran. Anything is possible."

Ignoring his little comment, I changed the subject. "What class do you have first?"

"Uh... I think Music...?" Typical Ace.

I sighed at him and smiled. I'm just grateful that he's here with me. I'm happy that I actually have someone that I can confide in. People like me are always left isolated and are forced to struggle alone. But with Ace by my side, I feel more confident, even if it's just a little. Sure, people always have something negative they want to say, but he's always there for me, whether the problem is at school or home. 

Ace and I parted ways and I stood outside my Math class. I was always the first one there in order to avoid being tripped while making my way to my desk; I learnt that the hard way. Mr Ackerman was there already, so I greeted him quickly and took my place. The rest of the students began filling up the chairs in the class, giving me the usual dirty look that reads, 'Why do you even exist?'

Of course, the last person to arrive, late, was none other than Hunter. He ignored the lust-filled stares, words and... other things, and made his way to his seat. He sat next to me—again it's because people assume that they'll magically turn gay if they even a few feet close to me—and caught my gaze. He gave me a small smile, and it took me a while to actually smile back at him. I still found it weird that he was being nice to me. 

Ace's POV

Music class is one of my less boring classes.... And I'm not just saying that because Mason and Noah are in the same class. I genuinely enjoy music, be it singing, dancing or playing an instrument. Music is a huge part of my life... It's the only way I can escape this harsh place called life and reality.

Our music teacher, Mrs. Anderson, began calling out the attendance register before making an announcement about our group assignment.

"It is a group assignment that will count as one third of your grade for music. You have to write and perform your own original song using an instrument, singing, dancing, or even all if you want. I'll be pairing you up. Let's see..." She moved her eyes down the register. The list went on and on, until finally, "And since there's an odd number, Noah Woods, Mason Quinn and Ace Archer will be working together. Now, you have quite a few weeks to prepare for this assignment. If it's not done or handed in late, I will be deducting 5 percent for every day you don't hand it in. I trust and hope that you work diligently and well, understood?"

Did I hear that correctly? I'm working with both Noah and Mason?? Is this even real?

"This is nice. All three of us working together. I'm sure we'll come up with something great, don't you think?" Mason's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. He and Noah were both waiting for me to answer.

"Uh, yeah. We can do this."

Mason smiled that adorable bunny-like smile. "We got this!"

Noah and I both smiled at his unending cuteness. "We got this!"

Short time skip

Hunter's POV

Jaxon and I drove home with Kiran for our second tutoring session. But I wanted to get to know him more. For some odd reason, I find this boy intriguing in a way. But from I what I've seen, he's probably a little stubborn and shy. But maybe if I play my cards right, I can know more about him and who he is.

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