1; A new beginning

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"Bye, Zach!" I cheered on, with the crowd. Zach and his crew headed out on stage while i stay back stage.

I gave him a small kiss, right before he left.

I smiled slightly, he's changed a lot.

' I don't really wanna Trust Fund Baby!, i like my woman independent, and i say to people thats my lady, and we don't need nothing -- '

They sang, so hyped, so happy and proud of themselves. Zach, especially Zach, he's proud of himself the most.
  The song ended, and they arrived back stage to drink.
"How was it?," i asked smiling.

"Mhmm, good"  Zach chugged his water.
"Well, careful don't choke" i joked, patting his back.

"It's funny, not only are you his girlfriend, you're also his care taker" Jonah joked.

"Hey, im not complaining, Zach's a handful of a 17 year old" Daniel stated.

"DANIEL" i hugged him tight, it's been awhile since I've talked to him. Yet saw him.

"Hey, Zoey"

"HEY, what about me" Corbyn pouted.

"Hey, Corb0ne" i gave him hug.

"Wow, i feel sooo loved" Jonah sighed playfully.

I laughed, "sorry Jonah" i hugged him aswell.

"Aright, alright enough of hugging my girlfriend, she's taken" Zach glared.

"Hey, im taken aswell"  Corbyn defended himself.

"C'mon, lets go im tired as heck" Daniel spoke.

We all headed out into their van and their manager drove back to the hotel they were staying in.

"Night, Zach" i turned off his light and snuggled next to him.

"Night" he mumbled.

N; hell yea, im back guyssssss. Hows the first part? Trust me its bouta get better.

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