13; Fine

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[ Zoey ]

I woke up in the same position I was in; which wasn't to comfortable.

"Morning," I whisper to Zach who woke up beside me.
He grinned before shifting. The others weren't on the couch any more.

"Hey," a voice spoke, I looked up to see Daniel. I gave him a skeptical look. "I...uh— I wanted to apologize, for my uh— behavior." He rubbed to back of his neck. "I'm stupid to not believe you—. Bu—but it won't happen again."

"It's fine, dani."

"Thanks. For being calm even though I put you through hell." He said ignoring the fact I called him dani; he'd usually whine about how bad of a nickname it was.
"So," He looked towards Zach then back towards me. "How's he?" He ushered his eyes towards mine.

"Fine, kinda." I shrugged, "he still can't talk, and I don't know if I can get him back on track before touring." I said. Zach laid fiddling with his fingers.

"I understand." He sighed, "just try your best, I guess I owe you guys the help." He said.

"Yeah, but it's fine, I won't complain about it now." I chuckle.

"You're to nice to me,"

"Don't mention it." I smile. "How's your family?" I ask.

"Good, well.. they're still a little mad that I was stupid to give up the money and not believe you.." he said in a low voice, "I haven't told them I apologized yet."

"They love me." I said flipping my hair in a playful way.

"You're to much." He rolled his eyes playfully back as I laugh. "Anyways, I apologize to the others."

"How'd it go?"

"As much as you'd expect from a bunch of teenage boys." He sighed. "Corbyn forgave me despite my circumstances which was surprising. Jack is sorta still mad at me for treating you wrong. And Jonah has mixed emotions." He said.

"It'll get better, Jack's just— worried that's all."

"I hope." He muttered.

"Hey, dude." Daniel waved at Zach who finally made eye contact with him.

Zach waved, before shifting more. "Sometimes, I'd wish the old days would come back." I spoke twirling my finger around Zach's seemingly long hair. "Where we'd play at the park, where I'd try to help him speak, when I met you guys." I sighed, "but now.. I wished I'd go back to the days where he could talk. Where he would tell me his terrible jokes, and where you guys would tease us about dating."

"I think about that too." Daniel croaked.

"We have to get him to talk, Daniel." I said, "and soon."

Sorry I haven't been posting, (ik a lot of ppl are unfollowing me :/) but thank you to the people who haven't. My love goes out to ya'll.

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