11; one on one time

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Zach insisted on going on a walk. It was sorta hard to tell what he wanted to do; when he held up two fingers as if there were 'walking'. "So." I began as we walked down the grassy park. "How are you and Jonah?"

Zach shrugged, "is he helping?" I asked, but he continued to shrug. "Okayyy." I said. His hair was ruffled up, sorta half nice, half messy. His eyes seemed darker than when he could talk. "You seem stressed. You okay?" I asked as I exam his face.

He nodded shuffling his hands inside his pockets. I frown as we continued to walk. "Remember when you made a bet with me?, you said if you tagged me you'd get a kiss." I smile widely as he looked at me with an unbelievable expression. I nodded at his face, "yep, that actually happened." For the first time I'm a while he gave me a smile. My heart felt complete as I smiled back. "Still can't believe that was only a year ago." I said.

He nodded. " déjà vu." I laugh as he gave a soft giggle. "Man, I'd do anything just to hear your voice again Zachary." He gave me a half smile. "I remember the first time you ever spoke. Like a baby saying it's first word." He playfully rolled his eyes. "You practically saved that lady, I also remembered when you wanted chicken nuggets, man that was funny."

We ended up sitting down on a bench. He looked so dull.
"Zach." He looked towards me. "Remember me?, at all." He slowly nodded his head as my face basically lit up.
"Yes!, I knew you would." He smiled and nodded.
"All we have to do now is get you talkin'. Therapy isn't gonna do you any good, so I'll help you my self. I mean I did it last year," I said as he just stared off into space. His pale face hinted a tint of pink shade on his face structure.

"I miss you so much." I mutter as I took his hand. He nodded acknowledging the fact that I've said that to him for the past week in a half. I rested my head on his shoulder (which he happened to not mind about.) and continued walking.

- - -

We arrived back at Zach's house. Daniel was strumming his guitar, Corbyn was playing a video game with jack on the t.v (which they seemed really into.), Jonah was reading on the kitchen table, no one really seemed to notice we had arrived.
"Hey, guys." I said closing the door. Jonah looked my way, Daniel didn't even bother to look, but both Corbyn and Jack took their headphones off. "Oh, hey guys." Jack said.


Daniel was still 'getting over' his break-up, he blames me,
Mainly at least. "Daniel, you have to get over her." Jonah muttered closing his book as he watched Daniel scowl at me. "Whatever, it's bullshit." His mumbles were directed towards me. I just sighed and plopped down next to Corbyn. Zach followed me and sat down next to me.

"Call of duty?" I asked picking up a handful of popcorn that sat infront of them.

"Hell yeah, here. Zach you want one?" Corbyn handed me a controller, as Zach shrugged but held out his hand to grab one.

We played for about an hour, until Zach fell asleep on my shoulder. "I don't think he knows he's your girlfriend but I think he might like you." Corbyn joked, jack laughed along.

"Well it's his lucky day because I like him back." I joked as Corbyn acted as if he was disgusted. "Oh shut up, mr 'I have a girlfriend'"


We talked the rest of the night until I fell asleep.

Hope ya'll enjoyed!, Sorry for late posting I'm been tried lately, school is fucking a mess, all I do is study, annddddd etc. anyways new post will be on tomorrow afternoon pacific time; maybe about 5ish or 7ish.

Vote, comment, follow (if you haven't), share, and enjoy!

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