4; Bitchy

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| Jack Pov|
"Hey, Babe" she walked into the room with her tall heels clicking on the tiled flooring.

Daniel smiles happily at his annoying girlfriend who forcefully pushed Poor Corbyn aside making him stumble.

"Hey, Baby" he kissed her innocently.

"I heard about poor, Zachary" she poured her lips, as if she gave a damn.

"Awh, it's fine. It wasn't your fault" he smiled and kissed her pouting lips.

She turned and faced me, Corbyn, and Jonah. She gave us a disgusted look.
"Oh. You all are here, surprisingly"

"We're his bandmates" Jonah said. "Why wouldn't we be here"

She completely ignored Jonah, but Jonah didn't seem to care. He tugged on both me and Corbyn's arms and pulled us out to the lobby, where Zoey slept.
"Zoey, might be right" Jonah said, "Amanda is bitchy. Plus she hates Zach after he called her a 'bitchy gold digger'"

"True..." I said, "I should've never yelled at her" I looked at her sleeping on the lobby's couch, peacefully. She look so beautiful...—

Wait— no, I can't like her. Shes Zach's girlfriend.

"Jack!!" Corbyn snapped his fingers in front of me as I snapped out of my daze.

"Huh?—, what"

Corbyn sighed, "nevermind, lets go back inside."

"Uh, I'll stay out here, with Zoey." I said as they headed back inside the room.

Sorry for such a shot chapter, school is killing me.

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