8; last day at the hospital.

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"We did everything we could. Honestly, just give him some time to adjust, after all he did fall off a three foot high stage." The doctor announced, "but other than that you guys are free to go."

"Thank god." I heard a swift voice mumble under their breath.
Both Jonah and Corbyn stood awkwardly next to me, they must've felt really uncomfortable.


He looked up, a plain dull face he gave me, made my heart sink. "Uh—, c'mon" he shrugged and sat up.

"Can we hurry and leave." Corbyn whispered next to me promptly. "Daniel is staring us down."

"Don't act uncomfortable you two," I lightly whispered, "show confidence, after all you two are innocent."

"Yeah." Sighed Corbyn, "guess you're right. It's just— what if he posts about it."

"Unless he wants his own career to fall he wouldn't" I smile as I tried my best to gusher Zach over to us.
"Zach. C'mon— please"

Zach raised one eyebrow and got up, it looked like he was on the urge of wanting to speak but couldn't. It looked as if his mouth wouldn't open, his eyes told it all.

My hand swept down to hold his. "Please tell me you remember me." I whispers softly, "please." I whispered, and pleaded.

He gave me a small sigh. And shrugged.
"Y—you don't remember me?, at all?" My voice dropped, "Zach I'm your girlfriend..."
He shrugged. My eyes teared back up as I let go of his hand, he stopped along with me in confusion. He tried to hug me awkwardly but obviously couldn't speak.

He lightly tapped my shoulder, I looked up. He gave me a small awkward smile trying to find out why I looked upset.
He took out his phone and typed.
'I don't remember dating. What's your name?'

I had mixed emotions, he doesn't remember me. "I'm Zoey." He nodded. "Zach." I said stopping again, assuming everyone else was in the car I spoke quickly. "....I need you to explain to me—. I need you to explain to me why you can't speak, I—I know that you went through some shit last year but can you tell me more, tell me exactly why."

"Tell me why you can't talk."

He shrugged.

"You've talked Before Zach. A whole lot actually." I tried to remind him. "You were the biggest dork I've ever known, al-always joyful, silly, annoyingly cute."

He shrugged again. I lost hope.
I nodded and just continued to walk.

"Why so glum?" Asked Jack as we arrived at the car.

"I tried talking to him." I muttered.


"He doesn't remember me. He doesn't remember that I'm his girlfriend, Jack I tried. And I'm afraid that when he does start talking he's not gonna wanna date me anymore— or even worst he finds someone else he's attractive to." I sighed.

"Hey," He said reassuring, the car started as we both sat in the back. "You'll be okay" he said as the car started up and Their manager drove off.

"What happening?" Corbyn asked Hoping out of his own seat to sit in the back with us.

"Corbyn!, the car is moving"

"I can physically feel that it is, Zoey." He chuckled as I rolled my eyes. "Anyways What's up?"

"Mmm, nothing much" I shrugged. "Beside the sad feeling of Zach not remembering me. At all." I added.

"It's fine—, he'll—" he paused. "Remember, Just— give him some time, K?"

"You guys are right" I said, "I'm pushing him, I should just give him some space— all I even cared about was him remember me when he can't even talk, and I didn't even ask you guys." I said, "does he remember ya'll?"

Corbyn shrugged, "Well, sorta. He only really remembers Jack and Jonah since those were the last two to talk to him during the concert."


"Yep, we just need to all hang out around him everyday. Have his memory come back." Corbyn said

"Yeah. But with Daniel being a total dick I don't think we can" Jack muttered loudly while crossing his arms. "He's a son of a bitch"

"I've never agreed so much in my life." Corbyn said.

I sighed and laid back on the cousin seat.
"You all need to sort everything out. Zach can't talk, Daniels girlfriend is toxic, and Daniel hates you two." I spoke looking up at the car ceiling.

"wish we could, but he's being a dick" Jack added in a annoyed tone, "that girl brainwashed him,"

"yeah, true" I said quietly.

"next thing you know his girlfriend steals something from us," Corbyn interrupted, "she's a gold digger, she does absolutely nothing in her life besides whine to Daniel" corbyn also looked angry, which was highly unlikely since he was the sweetest human.

Daniel gave us all a glare.

"you don't think he?-"

"probably, I don't care." Jack shrugged as I slouched down father into my seat.

"you guys are falling apart." I spoke, "Daniel is ignoring you guys, and Zach can't speak. What are you guys gonna tell your fans? they're gonna catch on...- and what about touring?, Utah concert is in four months. last year it took almost a year to get him to start back talking..."

"will- figure something out," corbyn said considering jack didn't want to speak anymore.

"Hopefully" I said.

Hopefully ya'll enjoyed this chapter, it was pretty boring ik Sorry.

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