12; save me, cant take it.

901 16 3

Her face beamed with happiness. I showed her a half smile, before looking down. I lied to her, I don't know anything about her. Hell, I don't even know her name.
She had a pretty face, skin clear, hair silk and flowing, and she's convinced me that she was my girlfriend. But I don't know how much of that I believe.

She was beautiful, I'll give her that. I couldn't stop staring, and smiling about her rants. How is it so normal for her to talk?

The only people I hardly remember is Jack and Jonah. I have no clue who the blonde dude is, nor the blue eyed guy who always seems to hate this girl.
"I knew you would!" She beamed. I nodded, my throat felt dry, I felt as if I would be drowning. I can't take it.

Some random flashbacks hit me like a rock hitting the back of my head. A sudden ache kicked in, as I felt the urge to groan my no noise escaped my mouth.

First time I rode a bike.

First day of kindergarten.

My dad dying.
Sudden memories of Pain, memories that made me remember why I never talked, Why I had never said a word. Here I was again.
I never said a word because—

"Zach!" I snapped out of my thoughts, "you okay?"
I nodded rubbing my eyes. A sigh went through my brain but no noise still didn't escape me lips. "Man, I remember when you helped that lady." She said, "remember that?, you saved her." I nodded, lying to her face. I felt bad that I was, but it was nice to see her smile. At least after all that's she's been through, talking to me, keeping me company, I feel as if I owe her.

We arrived back to the place that is considered 'home'.

I plopped on the couch next to her. My mind aching the same way it did at the park. More memories came.

Almost getting kicked out my house.

Having to take care of my own sister.

Failing classes.

Getting beat.

Harsh memories, a sudden tear slipped down my face. My throat became dryer than it had already been.
I ignored my Brain and rested my head on her shoulder.

And soon fell asleep.

Hope ya'll enjoyed. I know that some of the words aren't exactly like what Zoey was saying but it's close enough.
Also hopefully the memories part wasn't as confusing.
Did you enjoy reading in Zach's Pov? Let me know.

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