18: away

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[ Zoey. ]

"remember, to call us!" Corbyn yelled from the doorways of the flight.

"I know, dad." I joked tugging my luggage.
He smiled as the three other boys stood laughing.
"I know I already said 'goodbye', to Zach, but could you let him know over text, that I'll miss him."

"of course." Corbyn said softly.

"he'll miss you too." Jack croaked.

"One last group hug?"

"fucking course'"

[ third person ! ]

they huddle together sharing the same emotions.
It was a bitter sweet moment; knowing they'd see each other soon, it still was pain knowing the friend they molded together would soon be gone away for a while.

It was almost like the memories they shared would be their possessions forever; like they were holding on to it for life knowing it'll be a while till they see her again.

their lives were falling ever so slightly apart as they watched her walk away, it was a sting that wouldn't leave, it was pain they had never felt every step she took was every inch of their bodies would hurt.
Zach was gone, Zoey was gone, their manager was stressed, they were overwhelmed.

Few moments later it was settled.... she was away.

Is this the end????? 😭😭😭 idk...

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