9; stolen

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It had been a couple of days since the boys got back to their home.
I had been staying at their house for a while, and Daniel's girlfriend has gotten the same idea. She stays in Daniel's room, she uses the t.v even when someone else is already on it, and she takes her sweet ass Pity time in the bathroom doing god knows what. So basically these past days have been going downhill. And almost forgot one thing, Zach still can't talk.

As I walked downstairs to go greet Jack, Jonah and Zach I heard Corbyn yell from the top of the stairs.
"Where the hell is all my money!" He screamed loudly.
He rushed down the flight of staires looking stressed. "My money!, all of my savings!, it's gone" he started panicking and rummaging through cabinets and drawers.

"Woah, woah, woah... Corbyn What happen—"

"My money Jonah!, the money I saved to go to New York to surprise Christina!, it's all fucking gone!" He said. "DANIEL!!!!!" He yelled from the top of his lungs.

Daniel came toppling down the stairs along with his skimpy girlfriend. "What?, why the hell are you yelling"

Daniel stayed silent as Jonah shook his head.

"No man, I wouldn't steal your money especially if it's to surprise your girlfriend."

"ZACH?" He roared as Zach jumped and gave a confused look, Corbyn sighed, "oh what the fuck am I doing, you can't even speak."

He then looked to me. "Zoey, please tell me you didn—"

I quickly shook my head. "Hell no, Corbyn. I wouldn't."

He then turned to Jack, who already gave him a answer.
"No i didn't Corbyn, I know how much that meant to you."

He sighed, "I believe you three. But there's someone who didn't say anything." He looked completely red as he turned to Daniel. "Tell me the fucking truth, or I swear I might strangle you half to death!"

"Are you saying you don't trust me?!"

"Just tell the truth!!!"

"Zoey's been under you skin for ever!!, how do you know it's not fucking her!" Yelled Daniel, "always following you guys around!,"

"Zoey's been helping us!, when you never did!" Yelled Jonah.

"Just tell me the truth!" Yelled Corbyn.

"No!!," Daniel screamed, "no I didn't."

"Actually..." My voice spoke for me, "when we were at the hospital the other day, I..." I trailed off.

"You what?"

"I overheard Daniel and Amanda, he said he'd give her some kind of money, for hair, clothes, and other shit I can't remember..."

"NOT TRUE" Yelled Daniel. "What evidence do you have."

"I wasn't actually asleep, Daniel." I spoke calmly.


"Lie." I said. "It was the same day you kicked Corbyn and Jonah our of the room."


"Lies." I said. "You kicked Jonah and Corbyn out, after you heard they supposedly touched her, but you already had intentions of kicking them out so you could talk to Amanda about the money, you two already planned it. Once they were gone you started talking about the money, You knew zach couldn't speak, and you thought me and Jack were asleep."

"Smart one, she is." Another voice came into view. Zach stood beside me clearly confused.
He tapped my shoulder, but I had to ignore it, Amanda had stepped through the door wearing tons of makeup, a huge bag that labeled, 'Victoria secret'. And long fake nail on her finger tips.
"There's no doubt, yes. I did have Dani steak the money. —it's okay Dani baby, they ought to know." She smirked.

"Mind if I put my bags, down Corbyn?"

"YOU LITTLE!!" Jonah held onto Corbyn as he struggled to get out of Jonah's grasp, "LET ME GO!!, ZOEY!! FIGHT HER FOR ME!"

before I could do anything Jack grabbed my arm.


"Awh, was that your money?," she fake pouted, "Sorry."

"No, you're not sorry, at all." I spoke, "Daniel do you realize how she is?!"

"She's apologizing!, accept it"

"No she isn't!" I said. "She's a fake, and you're stupid to fall for it,"

"You don't understand!, all you've ever had is Zach!— he can't even talk anymore."

"Don't you dare turn this one me and my personal life, Seavey! Or I swear I'll kill you instead of strangle you!"

Zach tapped my shoulder again.
"What Zach?"

He pointed to Daniel and Gave a confused look.
"I'll explain later." I said.




"Why?, why would you do this to Corbyn!, he's broken, he saved all of his money to meet his girlfriend again after a whole year of not seeing her, and you ruined it."

"I don't know what I'm gonna tell her.." , "she was so happy!"

"Let's just all take a moment to shut up." Jack said still holding my shoulder. "Daniel what you did was fucked up. Really fucked up."

"Shit!!, this wasn't supposed to happen." Corbyn said finally calming down as Jonah let go of him. "Half of the money was for her surprise too... I was gonna by her some new jewelry.."

"Can't you just ask your manager?" Amanda's voice popped in, "you're like a millionaire."

"No." He said, "I'm not a millionaire, we're not rich as you think we are. Most of are money goes to bills for our house, hotels, Uber's, even food, and new equipment. That money you stole was the money I kept it was the money I saved instead of using it on hotels, and shit. It was my money!"

"Daniel how could you just give it to her!" Corbyn then looked to Daniel. "You were my friend!"



Damn. Hopefully ya'll enjoyed, another chapter might be coming out in a few hours. Also don't worry There will be more of Zach next chapter.

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