16; i know i said i'll be your friend but its to hard.

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| Zoey |
"So you're thinking about going back to school?" Jack asked leaning against the counter. I nodded.

"Yeah. I don't have a job yet, and I need to visit my parents." I said. "I haven't seen them since last year,"

"So you're gonna move back to your hometown?" He repeated his same question he asked me 20 minuets ago.

"I already told you Jack, yes." I said

"But what about Zach?" He asked.

"Take care of him."

"What if you run into Ireland."

"Then I'll just try my best to ignore her." I said.

"But what if—"

"Jack clam down. This is just for the best. Zach probably isn't gonna talk ever again. He can't even remember properly, your group is falling, my life is falling, and the only thing that might help is to go back to school and get a degree."

"We can help you, we have money, just please.." Jack whimpered, he seemed as if he didn't want me to leave.

"Jack Your careers aren't gonna work if Zach doesn't talk—... he's in practically all the songs you guys sing. And he's loved by many fans, 'why don't we' isn't 'why don't we' without Zachary dean Herron." I said with a small smile. "Just please promise you'll take care of him."



"Fine... yeah... I will." He sighed. "What about the others?, when are you leaving?" He asked.

"Friday this week."

"So we have a whole week with you?" He asked with slight hope.

"I made sure of that." I smile, "c'mon the others know."

"Well, where do you wanna go?" He asked slipping on his shoes, "amusement park?, movies?, dinner?, wherever you want."

"Then lets go to the amusement park. You go wake up the others imma get the car started." I said rushing out the door, as he rushed up the steps.

[ hours later ]

"We're here!" Jonah shouted parking.

"I still don't understand how you wouldn't let me drive, I have better experience for driving than you ever will." Corbyn whined as we hopped out the car. He pointed out how terrible Jonah had parked the car.

"Chill out Corbs, you'll drive on the way back." I joked as he rolled his eyes.

"Thanks." He injected sarcastically.
Zach stayed quiet; nothing much has changed with him.
"C'mon we can go on the Ferris wheel." I tugged on his hand as we walked over to the Ferris wheel.
He continued to shake his head tapping my shoulder. I giggle at his scared ness.

"I can't remember if you ever been on one of these before" I said. He sighed as he followed me to one of the compartments. "The view is amazing, you can see the sunset." I said as the ride started.

He nodded.

"I'm gonna miss you. But I know the boys we'll take care of you until you speak." I said.

He shrugged in agreement. "But we still have a whole week, so we'll make the best of it." I added.

This week is gonna go by quick.

Hope you enjoy!

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The shout outs will go on my conversation lists, this book, my Jack Avery book, and mute zach herron!, so make sure to follow to be apart of it!

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