10; remember?

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"How you feeling?" I asked Zach as I poop down next to him.
He shrugged. "Good?, bad?, okay?," I asked
He shrugged again, was he understanding what I was saying?, or not.

"you understand what I'm saying right?" I asked a bit scared to know his answer. But he nodded, which caused me to sigh in relief. "Thank god."

"Zach, I'm your girlfriend— those boys downstairs are your band mates slash friends. Well most of them— it's a long story but you sing with them. You have millions of fans, I have a video of you singing!" I said rushing to grab my phone. I showed him one where I was at his concert, he just shrugged.

I sighed. "I'll be right back." I said getting up. I walked down the steps passing Daniel promptly. None of us has really spoke in 24 hours. Corbyn picked over his food at the counter, and Jonah lightly dipped coffee across from him. Jack played Fortnite in his bedroom with the door shut.

"Hey Corbs, Hey jo" I said passing them to open the fridge. "How you two feeling?" I asked grabbing Zach a water.

"Good. For now." Corbyn spoke. "Zoey what am I gonna do?"

I gave him a sad smile and spoke, "I'll give you my college money."
His eyes widen, then quickly spat out words.

"No, no, no you can't do that— n-no not for me, keep your money, I'll find another way."

"No, you deserve it." I shrugged, "plus you've been through more than I have. Anddd I probably won't go to college."

"Are you serious?"

"Hell fucking yeah."

He jumped out and hugged my tightly, "I love you so much!, thank you!, thank you!, thank you!" , "I'll pay you back I swear!— i—I'll give you the money back once Zach starts back talking."

"No, no. It's fine. Keep it, no need to pay me back." I smile.

"You're fucking amazing Zoey,"

"Glad to see you smiling again." I said before walking back upstairs. I grabbed a picture frame of me, Zach and the boys along the way.

"Hey." I said softly, I sit down next to him and hand him the water. "See this." I said handing him the picture frame aswell. "The tall one is Jonah your best friend, the blonde one is Corbyn also your best friend, that's me your girlfriend, the curly haired one is Jack you two are like twins, and—that's Daniel also your best friend—, we aren't on good terms now but we will be soon. I promise."

He nodded looking at the picture.
"Zach we really miss you."

He pointed at Jonah.
"Jonah?, you remember him?" He nodded, "JONAH" I yell as Zach lightly flinch, "Sorry."

Jonah came rushing in. "What happened?-"

"Nothing you big dumbo, You need to talk to Zach— for me. Try to regain his memory?— anything. You're the only person besides Jack he remembers."

"Yeah—, Yeah Okay." He sat down next to Zach as I sat on the other side. "Remember school?" He asked Zach, "you went to school— until you uh.. dropped out."

Zach nodded allowing Jonah to continue, "Well Zoey, was here for you when you couldn't speak— she took care of you when your mother never did. But your mothers recovered, she's better now, but before that she wasn't, so Zoey helped you, we did aswell— you can sing too Zachary."

Zach raised one eyebrow scanning Zoey.
"She's your girlfriend, so it's fine if you think she's cute." Jonah teased, even if Zach was mute with no memory What's so ever he still teased him. Zach's face flushed with Pink before nodding.

"Anyways, Zach we all took care of you—, and we will continue— until you regain your memory and speak." Jonah said.


"Alright c'mon guys." I said grabbing Zach's hand as we followed Jonah out to the kitchen.

"Can't believe you left me here to 'watch' the food. I almost burned it!" Jack said while handing out plates. "Man, cookings hard, imma go rest. I deserve it."

"Jack get your ass over here. I did all the work the only job I gave you was to watch the damn vegetables." Jonah said as Corbyn and I laughed. Zach gave a smile along next to me.

"Funny, Huh?" I smile, as he nodded.

Jack took a seat next to me, and Jonah sat across from us. Daniel wasn't at the home, nor was his girlfriend. "Well." I spoke. "This is good."

"Thanks." Jack said.

"Shut the hell up, I cooked it, and thanks Zoey." Jonah joked as Jack gave a playful scoff.
I giggled as I dig into my plate of food. Zach open his mouth lowly, to eat.

This is gonna be so damn hard.

Another short ass chapter, soorryyyy!
I'm working on another story aswell so sorry if I'm m.i.a sometimes.

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